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Chapter 305 Fertilizer water does not flow outsiders field

Chapter 305 Fertilizer water does not flow outsiders field

"Su Jian, hurry up, you are only allowed to succeed, not to fail. I only have that little money, and I can't stand the trouble."

Su Jian looked at him contemptuously, "Boss Li, you have to let me get used to it."

She pretended to follow behind a group of people, feeling here and looking there, but she hesitated to make a decision.

"What's going on? Didn't you say you have a smart brain?"

"Boss Li, are you buying eggs at the vegetable market?" She muttered impatiently, and raised her left hand to touch her ear.

Uncle, are you there?Your niece has really picked up a treasure. If the fat and water don't flow to outsiders' fields, we will make a fortune by boring our own hair!

She read all the books on jade appraisal in Xinhua Bookstore. This market is not the largest gambling stone market in Myanmar, but there are definitely good products.

There is a kind of rough stone called "Guiwusha", which is hard to find nowadays, most of them are "Black Wusha", commonly known as black stone, the advantage is that the sand is fine and the skin is thin, and the ice-type glass jadeite produced is better than other rough stones , the value also doubles.

All substances have two sides, and the shortcomings of black stones are often fatal. Jade meat with slightly inferior germplasm is easily stained by black mist, resulting in a gray texture of jade and a greatly reduced value.

Her luck was not a fault of hers. Within 5 minutes of entering the arena, she found a rough stone that had been peeled off a little in a pile of rocks.

Generally, few people are willing to block the peeled black stone, because the quality can be seen at a glance.

Probably the boss opened a skylight on purpose to attract buyers. Unexpectedly, he missed it. The jade meat was soaked in black mist, and it was gray. When the light of the flashlight shined on it, there was only a little green on the edge.

If the boss opens a little more, the disguise of this stone will be removed, revealing its wonderful essence.

If we don't talk about the uncanny workmanship of nature, human beings will not be blinded if they continue to explore.

"How about this rock?" Li Liang was eager to try it, and he followed the example of others, holding a flashlight to shine on the rock.

Su Jian nodded, "It's okay."

"What about this one?"

"Not as good as the one just now."

"Boss, what is the price of this stone?"

The other party told him 2000 yuan, and Li Liang asked in a low voice, "If I buy it, how much money can I make?"

"Boss Li, are you really good at joking? How do I know?"

Li Liang looked at her suspiciously.

"According to my research, that stone can offer a good lottery. The boss' asking price is a bit high, and you can counter the price."

Black mist is easy to settle in the gaps of mineral crystals. From the analysis of physical structure, the older the germplasm of jadeite, the higher the density between crystals, the weaker the penetration and dipping ability of mist, and the whiter the background will be.

The stone that Li Liang was looking at was really good in appearance, which showed that he knew something about gambling stones, otherwise she would have recommended him to buy it.

Hearing what she said, Li Liang immediately ran over to bargain with the boss.

Suddenly there was a middle-aged man in a brown Tang suit, with a refined temperament, playing with a good-looking jade golden toad in his hand.

"The little girl also likes to gamble with stones?"

Su Jian looked at him, strike up a conversation in this kind of place?

"Come to play, purely out of curiosity."

"Where are you from?"

The room was too dark, and the other party could only be seen clearly with the flickering flashlight. The middle-aged man had a faint smile on his face.

Su Jian asked cautiously, "Why do you ask this?"

"I have a friend named Zheng Yi, who asked me to come to you."

Su Jian looked at him suspiciously.

"Believe it or not, his son, Zheng Pengfei, is my godson. I heard that he lives in your house now?"

Seeing that her expression softened, the man lowered his voice and said, "I will protect you to leave Wacheng safely."

 About the raw stone information, I found it online, the plot needs it, so don’t take it seriously, my dears (we will continue to update tomorrow, please recommend a monthly ticket)

(End of this chapter)

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