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Chapter 329

Chapter 329
Wang Chunmei understood her daughter's thoughts too well, and as expected, Su Mingming came out with a sullen face after a while.

"I won't divorce your father. The divorce certificate is fake. I deliberately angered your father and mother. Your father was locked up. I don't have a job. How can I support them?"

"Don't scare us with the divorce certificate, why don't your uncle and third uncle ride on our three heads and shit?"

"Really? You didn't divorce my dad?"

"Of course, how good is our relationship? You forgot that your dad and I like ballroom dancing best? We are the best partners."

"Mom, you really didn't lie to me?"

"Silly girl, my mother didn't say it before, because she was afraid that you would be distracted and delay your studies."

"It's different now. You have to learn to grow up. Let me tell you, your cousin is a very powerful person. She is very scheming and knows how to catch a man's heart."

"She told me that she wants to bring you to the capital, attend a noble high school, and go abroad to study directly in the future, and train you to be a noble girl in the upper class."

Su Mingming stared blankly at her mother.

Since she was a child, Wang Chunmei has instilled in her to use all available means to achieve her goals.

In No. [-] High School, Su Jian took the limelight. No matter how hard she tried, all the teachers compared her to Su Jian, and the honor belonged to Su Jian.

She had a more aggrieved life than anyone else, and she had bragged to her best female classmates before that she would soon go to the provincial capital to study.

Because Wang Chunmei had a guilty conscience, she didn't accomplish enough and failed, which caused her to be ridiculed by her classmates.

"Mom, are you sure? Don't be bald like last time and be treated as a laughing stock."

"Your cousin said one thing, and she won't change her mind."

After convincing Su Mingming, the couple went straight to the department store and spent more than 200 yuan to buy the white tulle dress that Su Mingming had wanted for a long time.

Then I bought shoes and purses, went to the barber shop to have a look, and spent a small 500 yuan on her.

Wang Chunmei led her to Tang Hexiang.

"Oh, who is this? It's so beautiful that people can't keep their eyes open."

Tang Hexiang took her hand, looked left and right, but couldn't get enough of it.

"Chunmei, after all, it's Mingfeng's good genes. The two children are the dragons and phoenixes in the world. They are smart and eager to learn. They have a bright future."

After hearing this, Su Mingming felt elated.

"Aunt Biao, the people you praised are all embarrassed. I think I have inherited the genes of the Wang family. Aunt Biao is so beautiful. Let's stand together. I'm sure someone will misunderstand that you are my sister."

"Aiyo Chunmei, you can see that this small mouth is so sweet to my heart."

"It's obviously true, how much she resembles you. When my cousin was young, she was the most beautiful girl in ten miles and eight villages."

"How many years has it been? Hey, the hero doesn't mention the courage back then. I'm old. How can I compare to a young man? Just look at this little face, and you can squeeze water out of it."

The three of them hailed a taxi and left. Old Man Su came out of the house and asked Old Man Wang.

"Have you tried the newly opened Niuzhuang pie?"

"What pie? You eat it all the time."

I still want to be in-laws with him, and the old Wang vomits when he thinks about it, the old bastard knows that he is enjoying the blessings, and the life and death of his children and grandchildren have nothing to do with him.

"Hey, it's delicious, I'm so hungry!"

I bother!Old beast, bastard bastard.

"Why does Cousin Chunmei live here? Did she divorce the man? I remember that her parents are gone. Did she come back to join you?"

"Why are you inquiring about my family?"

"It's all under one roof, why is your house my house? She hangs around in front of my eyes every day. Is it okay if I ask?"

(End of this chapter)

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