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Chapter 338 Almost a Laughing Chapter

Chapter 338 Almost Made a Joke
"Stop it all, what are you doing? Why did you come to my school for construction?"

Yu Shibei trotted all the way over and saw the big truck full of shiny silver radiators, wondering in his heart, the plumbers he contacted hadn't reached an agreement because the wages were too low, who are these people?

"Dad, this is Yu Shibei, the new principal of our school, Principal Yu."

"Hey, Principal Yu, I'm Zheng Yi from Pengcheng Real Estate. This idiot is my son. I'm causing you trouble."

Yu Shibei stared blankly at him. Pengcheng Real Estate is very famous in the city, and the real estate projects are being developed one after another. The quality is good. I heard that those who want to buy a house have to queue up at night to get a number. Are you late?

"Zheng, Mr. Zheng, is he your son?"

Zheng Pengfei was one of the competition seedlings selected by the school.

Passing by the classroom a few days ago, seeing him wearing thin clothes and still studying hard, Yu Shibei almost shed tears with a sore nose.

what a boyA noble son from a poor family, when he has time, he will visit his home. If it is too difficult, he wants to support him until he goes to university.

Now I see that my thinking is too naive, thank goodness I didn't go to the house, otherwise I would make an oolong, how embarrassing.

"I heard Director Cao from the Education Bureau say that the No. [-] Middle School doesn't have enough funds to replace the radiators. Principal Yu, don't be polite to me in such things in the future. If you can give back to the society, you must think of me. Let me do the work. Tomorrow weekend, it is guaranteed that the renovation will be completed within two days without affecting the school’s heating.”

Yu Shibei could no longer find Bei, what an unpretentious parent, what a kind and generous parent, tears filled his eyes.

"Thank you, Mr. Zheng for your timely help. On behalf of the 680 children of No. [-] Middle School, I would like to thank Mr. Zheng and Pengcheng Group for their strong support!"

Su Jian came back with the people from the design department, and Lao Zheng greeted her as if grabbing a life-saving straw, otherwise he suspected that Yu Shibei would hug him and cry in the next second.

"Su Jane?"

"Principal Yu!"

Su Jian nodded with a smile. This elementary school principal is very cute. When she and Su Dan were in Central Primary School, he took care of him. He often stuffed dried prawns in their lunch boxes to make them healthy.

"I heard that you were admitted to a high school. It's really good. I knew you were a blockbuster when you were in elementary school."

"Principal Yu, I'm honored!"

The class bell rang, the students went back to class, and Principal Yu invited them into the office.

The students who won honors for the school came back, and several teachers who had taught Su Jian all came to see her.

"Where is Teacher Zhu? A few days ago, Teacher Zhu was talking about Su Jian. Why didn't you see him come?" Yu Shibei asked one of the teachers.

"Ms. Zhu is in class."

"Principal Yu, I'll visit Teacher Zhu in a while. I'm overwhelmed that several teachers can come to see me."

"You don't need to be modest, they feel cold, and they just took the opportunity to move their bodies."

Everyone laughed and dispersed. Old Zheng couldn't wait to ask Su Jian, "How is it? Do you have any blueprints?"

"Drawings? You mean the drawings of the entire teaching building?"

Yu Shibei turned his back to them and poured hot water for them, thinking that Old Zheng was talking to him.

Looking back, the sallow-faced, severely malnourished little girl was drawing on the paper with a pen, and soon the floor plan of the No. [-] Middle School teaching building appeared vividly on the paper.

He was dumbfounded.

"Uncle, running the pipeline in this way will save costs to the greatest extent, and at the same time can maximize the use of resources. It can ensure that the room temperature in each room reaches [-] degrees Celsius."

Yu Shibei looked at the thermometer on the table, the mercury column stopped at [-], [-] degrees?Definitely warm.

(End of this chapter)

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