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Chapter 340 The future brother-in-law will definitely not be able to bear it

Chapter 340 The future brother-in-law will definitely not be able to bear it
In class one of the second grade, Su Dan and Zheng Pengfei stared at the door of the classroom eagerly.

Just now Principal Yu came over and said that Su Jian would tell them about the math competition test questions in a while and asked them to listen carefully.

Both were nervous.

"Old Su, have you finished writing yesterday's paper?"

"There is still one problem, and there is no idea at all."

"It's over, I still have three things to write, can you lend me a copy?"

Su Dan gave him a contemptuous look, and Zheng Pengfei hugged his head and wailed, "Little Miss Jian said, if I can't do it, I will open my ass, old Su, you can't just ignore death."

"If I borrow you to copy, my sister will not only open your ass, but also hang us both on the beam, do you believe it?"

"Woooo, Miss Jane is getting more and more irritable, how can brother-in-law be able to stand her in the future?"

"Don't come here, my sister won't get married."

"What?" Zheng Pengfei looked at him in astonishment.

"Old Su, you can't stop Miss Jian from getting married just because you like her."

"It's not about not getting married. You have to find someone who truly loves her. If that person dares to bully my sister, I will definitely not let him go."

The two muttered and criticized the future brother-in-law, and Su Jian followed Principal Yu into the class.

"I believe you all know her, right? That's right, Su Jian's photo is still posted on our school's bulletin board."

"Today, I would like to ask Su Jian to tell you about the answering skills of the Huageng Cup competition test questions. Children, you can learn as much as you can. It doesn't matter. All roads lead to Rome. As long as you work hard, you will still succeed."

Headmaster Yu didn't care about the sparse applause from below, and handed the podium to Su Jian.

A total of five people were selected to participate in this trial in the first and second grades of junior high school. In addition to Su Dan and Zheng Pengfei, there was also a girl and two boys.

Su Dan told her that the three of them were together, and the girl's father hired a private tutor to help them with their homework.

We are all students in the same school, so we shouldn't be on guard against each other, but this girl behaved very strangely, afraid that Su Dan and Zheng Pengfei would know what class they were in.

"Hi everyone, my name is Su Jian."


Zheng Pengfei clapped his hands vigorously. If anyone didn't cooperate, he would immediately gnash his teeth. Due to his coercion, the students all slapped their hands red.

The corners of Yu Shibei's mouth twitched, deeply reflecting on why he was not loved by his students.

"I'll ask five questions first to see what everyone's real level is."

She picked up the chalk and began to write quickly. Su Dan saw it, and suddenly his heart sank.

The first question was the drawer problem that he couldn't solve.

In addition to five people, there are other students in the class. In their eyes, they all know the words on the blackboard, but they don't know what they mean when they are put together.

God, the five of them do this kind of question every day?It's simply inhuman abuse. Fortunately, I am not a candidate for competition.

The girl's surname is Chang, and her name is Chang Lili. Her parents are first-generation college students after the resumption of the college entrance examination. They work in the provincial capital. Chang Lili lives with her grandparents.

Hearing that she was going to participate in the Huageng Cup competition, her father found a teacher in the provincial capital to come over to tutor her.

After the other two boys' parents heard about it, they approached her father and expressed their willingness to pay for their son to listen to it, so the three of them kept their studies secret and guarded against Su Dan and Zheng Pengfei like thieves.

If you want to learn, you can get the money first. There is no free lunch in the world. As a result, from the beginning to the end, Su Dan didn't even ask a question, which seriously hit Chang Lili's self-esteem.

(End of this chapter)

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