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Chapter 343 You are admitted to the Union University

Chapter 343 You are admitted to the Union University

Jiang Renjiu liked the first composition she wrote the most, "A Photo with Special Significance".

Most of the students wrote photos of going out to play with their families. The stories were clichés and nothing new.

A two-inch single-person photo written by Su Jian. This person has nothing to do with the Su family, neither a relative nor a friend.

She asked her mother who is this person?Why is it inlaid in the most conspicuous position in the photo frame?
Whenever she asked this question, my mother would cry, and my father kept smoking.

Finally one day, my mother was annoyed by her questioning, so she told her the truth.

"He is your Uncle Li, your father's workmate. He passed away the night I gave birth to you."

Dad is a worker at the reservoir. One day, there was a strong wind and heavy rain. He was supposed to be on duty that night, but his mother suddenly had to give birth, so Uncle Li took the initiative to change shifts with his father.

The dam burst. In order to protect public property, Uncle Li was washed away by the flood at the age of 21.

If the shift is not changed, the person who washes away may be Dad...

"You're named Li, that's how it came about."

After reading her composition at that time, Jiang Renjiu was excited for a long time. Although the writing style was a bit jerky, it had a good idea, a strong story, and a certain literary quality.

"Teacher, I made it all up. My grandfather was a reservoir worker, but he never saved anyone."

On the contrary, he killed Wang Changgui's father because he loved leisure and hated work, and the Wang family still regards him as an enemy to this day.

"Art comes from life and is higher than life. If you can use your imagination and write innovative articles, you will be successful."

"Tell me, have you been thinking about it for a long time?"

Su Jian blinked her eyes. If she said that she had a sudden inspiration and finished the composition in only 10 minutes without even checking for typos and punctuation marks, would he believe it?
"What about this composition? "A Little Red in the Thousand Mountains" has a good idea and a tricky perspective. It fits the spirit of the times and is positive. It's better than I imagined."

When Jiang Renjiu came up with this topic, he was inspired by popular science programs on TV. There are many red colors in the mountains, and he can write about flowers, grass, and buildings shaded by green trees.

What Su Jian wrote was the national flag. There is a little red in the mountains, and the bright five-star red flag flutters in the wind.

"Su Jian, read more books, read good books, put in more effort, go to Union University for the college entrance examination, it is the cradle of writers, and many dignitaries have come out of this university, if you can become a member of Union University , you will have a bright future."

I have never seen Mr. Jiang so excited. His smile has always been calculating, only this moment is sincere. He himself is a graduate of the United University. Even though he is a correspondence student, he is quite remarkable.

"Teacher, can I study together with the University of Washington? Then I will have diplomas from two top universities."

It sounds awesome, Jiang Renjiu was dumbfounded on the spot.

"What are you thinking? How can you have two boats with one foot?"

"But after listening to your introduction to the United University, I think it is also very sacred."

"Nonsense, of course it's sacred. It's a place to train officials. Look at the one on TV and the other. Which one is not a graduate of the United?"

"If you become an official and honor your ancestors, your parents will die of joy?"

When it comes to being an official, Jiang Renjiu's eyes are green, Su Jian couldn't help asking, "Teacher, why don't you be the principal?"

"..." Which pot is not opened and which pot is lifted.

(End of this chapter)

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