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Chapter 348 Finally waited for the highlight moment

Chapter 348 Finally waited for the highlight moment
Cao Na called her uncle, and soon Lao Zheng drove over with Su Jian, Su Dan and Zheng Pengfei.

"Who is shameless to suspect that I cheated? Is it so difficult to fucking admit that others are better than yourself?"

Zheng Pengfei cursed as soon as he got out of the car. Old Zheng was too rich, but his precious son was too sloppy. The students and parents of No. [-] Middle School thought that his family was poor, otherwise he wouldn't play with Su Dan, a poor family.

Reality really slapped his face, Zheng Pengfei stood on the steps with his arms akimbo, looking up to the sky and laughing.

"Old Su, I have finally waited for the highlight moment of rubbing someone's face. I have waited too hard for this day."

Damn, the sea of ​​questions almost drowned him, who knows how many math problems he has done these days?How many pens do you use to break?
The hardships he has suffered are unimaginable to others, but it is tolerable to suspect him of cheating, what is unbearable!
Chang's father also called and asked the counselor to come and testify.

"We have test papers here. If you can finish it in 10 minutes, it proves that you didn't cheat."

"Bring it, pretend I'm afraid you won't succeed?"

Su Jian's devil training is hell-level, and now Zheng Pengfei is full of confidence and doesn't fear anyone at all.

"Fuck, Chang Lili, is this the question you usually practice?"

Taking it over and looking at it, Zheng Pengfei showed a contemptuous expression, "What is this all about? How dare you participate in the Hua Luogeng Cup trials?"

"The three grades borrowed books. The second grade borrowed ten more books than the first grade, and the third grade borrowed four more books than the second grade. The three grades borrowed 180 books in total. How many books did the three grades borrow?"

"My mother, at this level, you still want to participate in the Huageng Cup competition in the junior high school group?"

"I'll tell you the answer in a minute. There are 1 books borrowed in the first grade, 52 books in the second grade, and 62 books in the third grade."

After speaking, he proudly asked Su Jian, "Sister, did I answer well?"

Su Jian gave a thumbs up. This kind of question is indeed an advanced question for the third and fourth grades of elementary school. It is a bit of putting the cart before the horse for the second graders to practice.

"Teacher Qiu, what's going on? Is this how you train my daughter?"

Teacher Qiu blushed, "It's a bit difficult for me. Your daughter is uncomfortable and hurts here. She doesn't want to do it at all. What can I do?"

Chang Lili quibbled, "This question is too easy, Mr. Qiu, if you take it a little harder, he will definitely not."

Teacher Qiu is not an idiot, he just came here to fool others about tuition fees.

The main reason is that Chang Lili's study is so ordinary, she is not suitable for competition at all. The two boys who joined later are good, but Chang Lili is very jealous.

Teacher Qiu had no choice but to talk about simple questions. Those who participated in the elementary school group were enough, but he delayed the two boys too.

After hearing his words, Father Chang was ashamed, took his daughter's hand and left.

"Hey, don't go, don't you suspect me of cheating? Who wants to challenge? Hurry up and stand up for me. After passing this village, there will be no such shop. If I hear someone beeping at me in the future, young master I'm not used to him."

No one dared to speak up, and it would be obvious in the preliminary round whether they were cheating or not, so there was no need to confront him.

"Little Jane, it's really great. If you have time, can you please compile the test questions and explanations of the competition into a book?"

"Sister, let Su Dan and Pengfei do this, what do you think?"


Su Dan and Zheng Pengfei were dumbfounded, "Let us compile a book?"

"I have never participated in the competition, and I have no experience or experience. When you two win the first prize in the competition, I think it is very good to organize the questions you have done into a book for the next class of students to use."

(End of this chapter)

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