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Chapter 35 Afraid of You Losing Your Job

Chapter 35 Afraid of You Losing Your Job
"Is this Song Ze's handwriting?" The man asked with squinted eyes after reading it over and over several times.


"What's your name?"

"Su Jian, Su from Gusu, simple Jane."

"You have a younger sister named Su Dan?"

Su Jian looked up, "It's my younger brother."

Oh, it's really random for parents to name their children.

"What did Song Ze call you here for?"

"work to earn a living."

The man laughed out loud, "You see, the rats in my place are almost mature, and there is not a single patient. Are you going to work for me?"

Su Jian pursed her lips and remained silent. She suspected that she had found the wrong place, but Dr. Song would not joke with her like this. It was obvious that this man knew Dr. Song.

"Go back, I can't afford anyone."

Su Jian was indifferent and looked at him quietly.

"I said what's the matter with you kid? Tell you to go, don't you understand?"

Su Jian asked cheekily, "Can I borrow some books to read? Don't worry, I will pay for the books."

She accidentally saw a small utility room inside, full of books.

"You want to see that you can get it by yourself, without rent." After speaking, he pulled on his slippers and went back to the house to continue sleeping.

She was the only one left in Nuo Da's house. I don't know if this person is unguarded and allows strangers to stay here and walk around casually.

The room was full of books, and Su Jian's heart beat faster. After reading a few books, she frowned.

When she was two hours old, she tidied up the messy warehouse. All the books were sorted and neatly stacked on the shelves.

It was rainy in summer, so she found two pieces of gauze and stapled it to the window, so that the front and back could be convected, and the books would not get moldy and damp.

She chose three books, all of which were related to medicine, and left a note. After realizing it, she even forgot to ask the other party's last name.

Not long after she left, a skinny boy in a white shirt and jeans came here with a schoolbag on his back.

Glancing at the door frame, he pushed the door in and Fang Yong came out yawning.

"Zhongli, why are you here? Isn't it the final exam?"

Putting down his schoolbag, Zhongli rolled up his sleeves and prepared to tidy up.

"Just woke up?"

"Well, there was an emergency patient last night, and the operation lasted past eight o'clock this morning."

Zhongli stopped holding the water basin, "Has anyone been here?"

The washbasin was cleaned up, without any water stains, and the smooth porcelain basin was glowing blue.

"Huh?" Fang Yong just woke up, still a little confused.

"Oh, someone has been here."

"Where's the plaque on the door?"

"It was picked off."


"The family members of the troubled patients."

Fang Yong pulled out a box from under the counter, opened it, and found it was empty.

"Emma, ​​did you enter the thief?"

What about the leftovers he didn't eat last night?
"The family members who made trouble smashed the plaque, cleaned the sanitation, and dumped your leftover food?"

If it is true, what if the family members are not sick?

"Uh, then a girl came. I fell asleep in a daze. What's her name? Simple? It seems to be called Simple."


"No, it was introduced by Song Ze. I thought you would have no work to do when she came, so she was kicked out."

Fang Yong suddenly thought of something, and ran to the warehouse to take a look, "My mother, it's lucky I didn't keep her, otherwise you would have nothing to eat."

Zhong Li frowned, the warehouse was neat and tidy, and all the books were neatly arranged by category, but he could tell at a glance that three books were missing, including the one he was reading.

"How old is she?"


"That girl." He picked up a note on the bookshelf, the handwriting on it was beautiful and beautiful.

"Uh... quite young, but Zhongli, are you interested in him?"

(End of this chapter)

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