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Chapter 351 Boss Su Treats Guests to Dinner

Chapter 351 Boss Su Treats Guests to Dinner
Who wouldn't know Tiandu? She is very good at making green tea now, it's quite silky and smooth, without any flaws. Old man Su completely trusts her and tells her everything Wang Chunmei does.

We have mid-term exams on Wednesday, and everyone is reviewing intensely.

Except for Principal Ma and Qiao Yifeng, no one knows about taking the college entrance examination next year.

Su Huan came to ask her questions.

"Your grandpa is dying?"

"Yes, my parents decided to take him to Nanfang Hospital."

"Why did you remember it?"

"My mother heard that there is a genius doctor surnamed Fang who is very good at treating patients. He is currently in a hospital in the south and wants to try his luck."

Surname Fang?Could it be Teacher Fang Yongfang?
During the exercise between classes, the students came out of the classroom one after another, and the hall on the first floor was completely surrounded.

"What do you mean? Is someone punished by the school and put on the black list?"

Qiao Yifeng and the three squeezed from behind the crowd to the front.

"Congratulations! Su Jian, a student from Class [-], Senior [-], won the first prize in the National Composition Grand Prix. The winning composition is "A Photo with Special Significance"!"

Emma, ​​Boss Su can really keep it a secret, isn't this a happy event?Treat yourself quickly!

The three of them were about to go to Su Jian for an "explanation", but there were discordant voices among the students.

"Maybe she copied it from somewhere, but she can still win the first prize?"

According to the reputation, it was the annoying Jin Xiaohui. After Su Mingming was expelled from the school, she changed from science class to liberal arts class, and the [-] aura on her body became more and more intense.

It is said that there are very few boys in the liberal arts class, and where there are women, there are all kinds of intrigues. Jin Xiaohui fights with others almost every day.

"If you don't speak, no one will treat you as dumb."

The most handsome boy in the principal reprimanded her coldly, and the students around her gloated at her misfortune.

"Qiao Yifeng, who are you talking about?"

"Whoever has a guilty conscience, I will say who, that mouth is a dung vat? It stinks when you speak?"

"You!" Jin Xiaohui's eyes turned red with anger.

"You and her are in the same group. Of course you can help her talk. It's what it is. Is it reasonable for a science student to write a good composition?"

hehe!What he said was really level-headed, and he couldn't help but feel that he offended a large number of science students.

"Jin Xiaohui, you can't stay in the science class by yourself, so you think others are trash like you?"

"That's right. When I first entered school, I don't know who looked down on the self-financed students. You are the first girl in our school to transfer from a science class to a liberal arts class. You ran away before half the semester. Why? Someone can write better than you. , just jealous and want to tell tales?"

Being ridiculed by sarcasm, Jin Xiaohui had nowhere to put her face, and the girl in the liberal arts class who had a feud with her took the opportunity to step on her, and she was so angry that she burst into tears and ran back to the classroom.

"Go, find Boss Su."

The three of them ran to the place where Class [-] was doing exercises, and Su Jian was already surrounded by several girls.

"Okay, I'll treat you at noon, you can order whatever you want."

Su Huan touched his pocket and asked his aunt for 20 yuan in the morning, wondering if it was enough to pay for lunch.

The same goes for these girls, knowing that Su Jian's family conditions are not good, and still asking her to treat her, why should she treat her? What does her good composition have to do with these girls?
Unknowingly, the relationship between her and Su Jian became closer and closer. On the contrary, she had almost nothing to talk to with Ding Xiaoxue and Su Mingsong.

Qiao Yifeng came to "excuse the teacher".

"I'll bring you along as a treat, those girls will be so happy, even if they don't eat, it's worth it."

Qiao Yifeng didn't understand, so, "Why? Just because you treated me?"

"It's not because of me."

Senior Colonel Qiao looked confused and asked Su Huan, "Why are the girls so happy?"

Su Huan rolled her eyes and ignored him.

(End of this chapter)

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