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Chapter 377 Listen to her

Chapter 377 Listen to her
It was dawn, and after sleeping for about four to ten minutes, Su Jian woke up with a start, got up and stretched, and the two older brothers were talking in a low voice in the distance.

"Little girl, wake up, drink some water, the morning dew is clean." A big brother smiled honestly.

The two of them didn't dare to underestimate Su Jian now. She had a calmness and decisiveness that her peers didn't possess. She was just like the calm young man in the mountain.

"Girl, I have something to tell you. We just looked at the direction. We may have gone astray."

"Wait a minute, let's go to the front to explore the way. If we can't get through, we have to go back the same way."

"Approximately by how much?"

"Go more than two miles."

Compared with the two miles on the plain, the mountain road is much more difficult.

Even an old lady can walk two miles on the plains in half an hour, but not in the mountains, it takes at least one to two hours.

"I'll go over there and have a look."

She stood on the hillside and released her abilities. The thermal imaging showed that there were no traces of human activities other than a few small animals looking for food within 500 meters, but there was a road, but it was more difficult to walk.

Soon after the two elder brothers came back, Li Qingfang also woke up, washed the mud off her face with water, and looked at everyone embarrassingly.

"Hey, this girl is so pretty, she scared me to death yesterday, and I was thinking about a wild monkey crawling in."

Li Qingfang blushed, "I just laughed, I laughed."

The eldest brother restrained his smile and said seriously, "The road ahead is too steep, what we both mean is to go back the same way."

Su Jian didn't insist this time, she couldn't ignore Li Qingfang's safety just because she wanted to save Zhongli.

"How steep is it?" Realizing that everyone might be taking care of themselves, Li Qingfang asked hastily.

"Sister, let's go back, the sun will shine today, the road will be easier."

"No, I will feel bad if you do this, sister, have you gone to see the way? Can you go?"

Su Jian thought for a while and said, "If you are careful, you can go."

The two men were surprised, "You also went to see the road?"

Su Jian pointed to the hillside, "It's clear at a glance."

Guangchang couldn't use his brain, and the two looked at each other with wry smiles, "Okay, one of us will be in front and the other will be behind to protect you, as long as you are careful, there will be no problem, and we will arrive half an hour earlier than expected."

Following Su Jian's example, they tucked their trousers into their socks, tightened their shoelaces and clothes, and the four of them got into the dense woods.

"I'm going ahead, you have to follow me, don't step on the places I say you can't step on."

Seeing her serious expression, the two big men didn't dare to say anything.

She has supernatural powers, but none of them have them. If something slips under her feet, she can't bear the responsibility.

"Sister, if you are tired, just tell me, let's stop and rest, understand?"

"Okay, I see."

Unknowingly, the three of them centered on Su Jian and followed what she said without daring to be perfunctory.

There is a steep stone wall, the body should be tightly attached to it, and the feet should move a little bit. Li Qingfang took a deep breath and kept cheering herself up in her heart.

The elder brother who was walking behind her was surprised to find that Su Jian was already standing opposite him at some point, looking back at them.

Emma, ​​don't say that she is fine walking alone at night, even going into the mountains by herself has no problem, they are really worrying for nothing.

After finally walking through the most difficult section of the road, Su Jian suddenly stopped again, staring at a certain place motionlessly.

"What, what's the matter? Is it a wild boar again?" Li Qingfang stammered as her legs felt weak.

(End of this chapter)

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