Back to 90s

Chapter 38

Chapter 38

There are still 7 days left for the first grade exam on July 9th.

"You did this set of papers in 40 minutes."

"40 minutes? Sister, do you think I'm a top student? I'm a scumbag. I can only finish half of the paper in 40 minutes." There is no guarantee that I will do everything right.

"Stop rambling, it was because you were too lazy before that you couldn't improve your grades now."

I don't know if the supernatural ability in her body is advanced or stagnant. She has mastered all the knowledge points in junior high school. Now she can answer any question with just one glance. She can help her younger brother with homework with ease.

Tomorrow, she plans to borrow books from the neighbor Uncle Wu's son, who was in high school at the time, so that she can study on her own first.

Being oppressed by the elder sister, Su Dan barely finished the test within the stipulated time.

"77 points."

Su Dan took a long breath, "Sister, give me another 10 minutes, and I can get 100 points."

"Okay, another English paper, 30 minutes."

"What? Why are there fewer and fewer?"

"English is easy."

"Jane..." A single fart!

Being rubbed on the ground by the elder sister was not at all uncomfortable. At first Su Dan resisted a few times, but in the end he became numb. He was just a learning machine, controlled by the robot elder sister, so he had no emotion and no way out.

When I got up in the morning and helped my mother cook, Mrs. Su called her from the house.

"Scratch my back."

She knows that the eldest and the two children don't like her, so it doesn't matter, the two daughters of the second and third families don't like her either, she only likes the eldest grandson Su Jun, who is well-educated and handsome, and she will count on the eldest grandson to honor her in the future.

The moment Su Jian touched the old lady's skin, a three-dimensional picture appeared in front of Su Jian's eyes, which was the old lady's heart.

She didn't activate the supernatural ability. Could it be that the old lady had a physical problem and it appeared automatically?

She didn't read the medical knowledge about the heart. After memorizing the stereogram, she washed her hands with water and took out the three books she borrowed yesterday.

Opening one of them, there was a bookmark made of dried leaves inside. It might have been put by that weird doctor, but Su Jian didn't care.

However, she took a quick look at the knowledge about heart disease and came to an ironic conclusion that the old lady had a healthy heart, no wonder she lived into her 90s.

If there is nothing wrong, I have to work in the fields. I can take care of my sick son, cook, and feed chickens and ducks.

"I won't do it, you two bastards, are you just filial to your parents like this?"

After a night of deliberation, Su Mingcheng is determined to fight for welfare for himself, his wife and children.

"Mom, you're at Mingfeng's house, don't you also cook? My younger siblings always say that your cooking is delicious. You can see that Mingfeng's face is rosy, it must be because Mom cooks well."

"Bah!" The old lady sprayed the eldest son with spit on his face.

"The second child honors me with 20 yuan every month. Chicken, duck and fish are enough to eat. What can you do for me?"

"Mom, didn't I give you 500 yuan a few days ago? Just according to Mingfeng's standard, I will honor you with 20 yuan every month, and you can buy meat for the rest. My father loves meat, so he can buy whatever he wants. What, do you think it will work?"

The old lady stared angrily, did the boss take the wrong medicine?How dare you talk back to her?

"Mom, I'm going to Brother Angkor's house to help tie celery. You stay at home. There are a total of twenty chickens in our family, six males and fourteen females. There were originally five ducks, but one was lost a few days ago. You go and have a look, remember what they look like, rush to the front pond, and raise them with the neighbors' ducks."

Su Mingcheng plucked up the courage to say these words, and then sneaked into Brother Ang's house like a ghost.

"What's wrong? Why is your face so ugly? Your forehead is full of sweat?"

(End of this chapter)

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