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Chapter 380 Senior Brother

Chapter 380 Senior Brother

The search was fruitless, and the plane was preparing to expand the search area.

"Student Zhong, I think you should accept the reality and stop being stubborn. It's a waste of time and money..."

Zhongli sneered, "Do you believe I kicked you off?"

Captain Liu sneered, "You see, I also have good intentions, and those people down here only talk grandiose words to fool you."

"The truth is a bit ugly. I just said it because I couldn't stand it. It's just that you don't want to accept the reality."

There was a burst of noise from the radio, and Su Jian's cold voice appeared inside.

"Senior Brother Zhong, it's me, hurry up and get the helicopter back."

Zhong Li had mixed emotions in his heart. Yesterday when he heard Su Jian approaching on the radio, he was surprised and happy at the time, wishing he could fly to her side immediately. No one could tell about the hesitation and misery of the past few days, so he could only hold it in his heart alone. At that moment, he had a lot to say to his junior sister.

"Okay, I'll go back right away."

With a calm and steady voice, Su Jian let out a long breath.

Zhongli, I'm here, don't be afraid, just like you gave me warmth in the last life, in this life I said to be your strong backing, and I will definitely do what I say.

Ten minutes later, the helicopter landed in the open space, the hatch opened, and Zhongli jumped out.


Su Jian rushed over, and Zhong Li held her tightly in his arms with open arms.

"I'm fine!"


The girl's eyes were full of worry, and there was an indelible black shadow under her beautiful almond eyes. She was worried about herself, and Zhongli's heart shrank into a ball.

"Silly girl, why did you come here?"

"Brother, uncle will be fine, he will definitely come back alive."

It's great, the danger of the previous life has not appeared, and now the brother's arm is intact, there will be no huge and ugly scars, and the basic functions will not be affected...

what! ?

It was because of this terrible scar that the senior brother gave up his career as a doctor and devoted himself to pharmaceutical research!

She suddenly realized, and felt a dull pain in her heart.

"We're going to find Uncle now, and find him before dark."

Suddenly there was a sneer from behind.

"Oh! Here comes another lunatic, Miss who lives in the city, you don't know much about the situation in the mountains, do you?"

"It won't be long before the sky will be dark, and when the light is strong, there will be nothing. What do you think? It can really cause trouble for people, play house and go home to play!"

Su Jian glared at him fiercely, "Someone will give a fair judgment on your dereliction of duty!"

"Zhongli, Zhongli, Officer Luo is awake. He heard that you are back, and he wants to see you." Mr. Gu sent someone to call him.

"Officer Luo?" One of the missing persons, was he rescued?
"I found him lying under a pile of rocks on the way here, and I brought him here by the way."

Zhong Li quickly ran to the tent.

"Zhongli, I'm sorry, I failed to take good care of your father."

"It's not important, tell me the situation at that time."

"Our group was about to go out when it rained suddenly. We all took shelter under the trees. Xiao Li was the first to notice signs of landslides on the mountain. We moved to the two sides. When we passed a pass, the flood above We rushed down, we couldn't dodge, we were rushed out, and when I woke up, I found myself under a pile of rocks..."

He also didn't know the location of the pass. Zhongli had been there countless times, and the flood came down from there. After various deduction, he couldn't find anyone from the angle he thought.

The terrain in the mountains is too complicated, and the place where Secretary Luo was found is not in his deduction. He has made countless efforts in the past seven days, but all of them have returned in vain.

"Brother, let's get on the plane, uncle will find it safely."

(End of this chapter)

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