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Chapter 390 A Blessing in Misfortune

Chapter 390 A Blessing in Misfortune

Who would have thought that a freshman in high school would really know medicine?And he is even more powerful than the medical students of prestigious universities. He really fulfilled that sentence.

"Is there a pharmacy nearby? Can someone get me some alcohol and gauze?"

Old Zheng had already acted in advance, he knew that Su Jian would definitely be able to do it, a good kid who loves to study and is willing to study, so what if he didn't go to medical school?Not worse than them, but much stronger.

"Little Jane, here, gauze alcohol, cotton swabs."

I saw her bandage the wound skillfully, and said to Old Zheng, "Uncle, I have to send him to the hospital to have his wound stitched up."

At this time, the family members of the old man rushed over upon hearing the news.

Everyone talked about what happened.

The family members looked at the three medical students, turned around and held Jane's hand, "Girl, thanks to you, thank you, what's your name? Which school do you belong to? Tomorrow I will write a thank you letter and let the school praise you."

"Go to the hospital quickly. It's cold and the old man has lost too much blood. Don't thank me. I should do everything."

The family members wanted to leave, and they didn't know what kind of mental disorder Ren Xiaoxi was in. He said unwillingly, "How can you be sure that she did the right thing? Maybe a blind cat met a dead mouse. Just now, she gave the old man a silver needle, so she is not afraid of being pierced." gone?"

The onlookers looked at her strangely. Could it be that this female student is stupid?Do you always question others if you can't do well, and say grapes are sour if you can't eat grapes?

"Senior Liu, Senior Sister Lin, am I right?"

Ren Xiaoxi wanted to find an allied force to deal with Su Jian, but unexpectedly, the two senior sisters had already left before she could speak.

If you can't play with brainless people, you will die of stupidity sooner or later.

The crowd dispersed, and the old lady who was hit was not seriously injured, she might have been frightened, she had been sitting at the base of the wall and couldn't recover.

"Little Jane, do we want to help?"

Lao Zheng is also a warm-hearted person. He does not do anything for small things. He has always used this sentence as his life creed.

The old lady has basic illnesses all over her body, so she is lucky not to have a heart attack.

"You take me home? Thank you so much, my house is right in front."

"It's useless. If that person didn't block it, I'm afraid I'm going to go to heaven. Oops, I'm scared to death. It's a disaster for no reason."

The old man's family asked her to go to the hospital to see if she needed it. The old lady said no, and it was not intentional. The brakes suddenly failed. He can't be blamed, just think it's unlucky.

Su Jian supported her and asked her who sold houses around her.

"You want to buy a house?"

"Yeah, I'm afraid it's too expensive to afford."

"Oh, don't think that way. I feel that the emperor has a lot of land and gold. Now many people have gone abroad, and the empty houses left behind don't like to rent. If they are left unused, it is better to sell them for value."

"But there are also those who have to sell their houses. My old neighbor wants to go to the south to live with his son and daughter-in-law. The young couple has no money to start a business. They are planning to sell the house. If you want to buy it, I can help you."

Old Zheng immediately agreed, "Auntie, to tell you the truth, I'm buying a house for investment, can you help me contact more house sellers?"

"I can't let your hard work be in vain. Every time a transaction is made, I will give you a commission of 5.00% of the house price. What do you think?"

The old lady's eyes were shining, as if seeing a pile of banknotes waving to her, isn't this a blessing in disguise?

"Is what you said true?"

"It's more real than real money. If you don't believe me, I can make a written statement. If you have a capable old sister, you can also bring me over. The introduction fee is 100 yuan per person. This is my business card. My company is..."

(End of this chapter)

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