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Chapter 398 Design Draft Stolen

Chapter 398 Design Draft Stolen

Su Jian didn't know how to comfort her.

Tearing off the veil of truth is always the cruelest.

She has experienced what Su Huan experienced, and paid the price with her life.

who to blame?Blaming myself for being blind and deaf is not worthy of pity at all.

Su Huan didn't shed a single tear.

"Su Jian, I want to go back to the provincial capital to study."

"Have you made up your mind?"

"Well, isn't there a saying that is good, where you fall, you will get up."

"If you go back to study, I'm afraid you won't be able to enter a key high school. The quality of teaching in No. [-] high school is obvious to all. If you stay, as long as you study hard, you will be admitted to a good university in three years."

By then, it's not too late for you to take revenge.

"Help me, I know you have a good learning method, can you share it with me? No matter how hard or tired, I can overcome it."

"Su Huan, this is not something that can be done by studying hard."

Are you mature?Can bear hardships and stand hard work?Are you able to withstand stress?Can it self-regulate?
"If you can do these things, you can go back to school and go back to school."

Su Huan thought for a long time, then nodded vigorously and said, "You can be a master only if you endure hardships. The old Su Huan is dead. From now on, the new Su Huan has a new life. She is no longer muddling around Rice worms."

"Okay, I believe you!"

Taking Su Huan to the bungalow, seeing the furnishings in the house, Su Huan didn't show any curiosity.

"I bought the house, and I completed the decoration and design by myself."

"Su Dan and his good friends study here until nine o'clock every night, and then accompany me home."

"I'll give you a key. If you can't stay in the province one day, you can come back here. As long as the house is here, this is your home."

"Thank you!" Su Huan said with a choked voice.

"Even if I come back, it's not that I won't be able to stay. I won't be manipulated and looked down upon by others. I said before that Su Huan is dead and will never come back."

"I will take the college entrance examination next year. If there is no accident, I will go to Washington University and Union University. I will wait for you in these two schools. See you soon."

Su Jian gave her a copy of Zhongli's notes. This girl is really pitiful. The two of them didn't meet each other in the last life. She didn't know that she was also tricked so badly by Wang Chunmei's family.

Is this something that humans can do?Everyone is relatives, and their fathers are brothers. The harmonious big family will care about the growth of each child. How many of them are as vicious as Wang Chunmei?Harm the happiness of the two girls' lives?

Lao Zheng equipped her with a mobile phone and was walking on the road when the phone rang suddenly, and passers-by looked at her in surprise.


"Little Jane, where are you?"

"Uncle, I'm about to go to the company, what's the matter?"

"Something happened. Just now Guohui told me that the design department lost a lot of design drafts. Liu Ming disappeared. He probably stole them. There are a lot of drawings in it, which are the hard work of all the design department employees."

"I see, go and have a look right away, uncle, don't worry, he won't be far away."

The fish is finally biting the bait. Liu Ming has not seen any action these days, and she is ready to adjust the plan and implement "Plan B".

There was chaos in the company.

Zheng Huiwen, with his hands on his hips, blocked the entrance of the design department.

"You are all for nothing? What is the use of the company to support you? A big living person disappeared, and took more than 100 design drafts, say! Who are his accomplices, he can do so many things alone? "

Everyone was silent like a cicada, who would dare to accept this charge?
"Talk? You're all dumb, aren't you? The people in the clothes look like dogs, and they were happy when they gave you a raise. When something happened, they all acted like turtles. No one stood up to express their opinions today. Pack up your things and get out!"

(End of this chapter)

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