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Chapter 407 Falling into the hole?

Chapter 407 Falling into the hole?

"Mr. Zhao, what's the matter with you?"

Zhao Jian stopped suddenly on the way, and Su Jian asked curiously.

Zhao Jian secretly looked left and right, why did he feel that Su Jian was deliberately taking a detour?
"Miss Su Jian, how far is your home from here?"

"Come on, just go around again, Mr. Zhao, you should go back, do you remember the road? Just now I was worried that you would not find the circuit, and it would be easy to get lost if you came in during the day."

It stands to reason that this environment is the easiest to attack. Where are all the people he arranged?

Mommy can't get lost already, right?

It seems that this little girl is really evil, why don't she just let go and fight again tomorrow?No, she might have noticed something, and it's even more difficult to deceive, so she can only go all out and go all the way to the dark.

"Let's go, it's so cold, you go home quickly."

"Yeah, it's quite cold, Mr. Zhao, be careful where you step, there are a lot of debris here."

There are quite a lot of wells, what's going on recently?Can those who steal manhole covers gather wool in one place?The manhole cover in front of him is gone, what will Mr. Zhao do if he falls into it?I won't save him in this kind of horrible weather, he is really pitiful, who is wrong to think?Do you have to mess with yourself?

She could see all the surrounding buildings and structures, including the direction of the sewers. Zhao Jian couldn't do it. It was the first time she came to such a dirty and scary place, and she could only hear a scream of "ah" behind her.

Su Jian turned her head and said "Hey", "Mr. Zhao, have you gone back? Where are you? How can you be like this? You didn't even say hello?"

Zhao Jian, who fell into the well, was really pitiful. A lot of stones and tiles were thrown into the well. He fell into the well more than two meters deep unsuspecting. , and passed out.

After Su Jian muttered a few words, she walked along a narrow path next to her, turned around, and returned to her home.


As soon as I got home, the phone in my pocket rang.

"Uncle, I just got home."

Zheng Zhi's brow was sweating anxiously. He lost Su Jian more than ten minutes ago, and when he called, he found that she had turned off her phone. He almost called his former colleague for help.

"Little Jane, are you alright?"

"What's the matter? I'm fine."

"What about Zhao Jian?"

"I don't know. People will disappear as they walk. They are not polite at all. They agreed to send me back."

What?Zheng Zhi was at a loss. Could it be that Zhao Jian knew that his people were being controlled by him?
No matter how safe and sound it is, as long as he has the face to confess to his elder brother.

Alas, too many things happened in the past week, and she didn't have time to study hard.

After washing up, I changed into my practice clothes and went to the practice room next door to ponder the unique martial arts in Mr. Jin’s book. Later, I lay down on the table and drew the martial arts “stolen” by Xinhua Bookstore on the paper. Quite the case.

There was nothing to say all night, the sky was bright, and someone who was catching the early shift came out of the house, and saw that six of the seven manhole covers had been lost, and cursed angrily.

"Which thief did a good thing? Damn, if this fell into someone, wouldn't it freeze to death in winter?"

When Zhao Jian was dragged out, his body was stiff, as hard as a popsicle, and his ten toes and ten fingers were all black.

Among the spectators, Su Jian nodded in satisfaction, well, now that she is not in good health, her left big toe and little toe will definitely be lost, and she can no longer wear open-toed shoes in summer, otherwise it will be unsightly.

Severe cold, especially severe, with cold air attached to the body, the trachea may not be very good when the season changes in the future, coughing all day and all night.

Who is left without a lesson?Liu Ming, if you want to take it slowly, I guess this bastard has already slipped away, but she has already planted a time bomb, waiting to explode.

(End of this chapter)

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