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Chapter 41 Go to the hospital together

Chapter 41 Go to the hospital together
Granny Su cried and ran faster than a rabbit.

Look at the old man Su, who has been bragging to the villagers about how happy and beautiful his life is, but he doesn't pay attention to the idiot at all.

God, is life enough?There is no need to die like this, right?

"Grandpa, dodge quickly, if Uncle Erlen cut you down, are you still alive?"

Is it stupid?Is it stupid?
Just at the very moment, a person suddenly rushed out obliquely and hugged the second fool's waist.

"Put down the knife quickly, you bastard, you will pay for your life if you kill someone, do you know that?" The village chief Wang Changgui returned from his military service, and a grabbing hand snatched the knife from Er Lengzi's hand and threw it aside.

"Dare to use a knife under my nose, you fool, don't you think your life is long?"

The second fool is not afraid of anyone, but Wang Changgui who is full of courage.

"They stole my corn to ruin my land?"

"Things have happened, you can solve it by cutting people with a knife?"

Wang Changgui had his hands on his hips. He had been the village chief for three years, and he had heard about the "glorious deeds" of the two elders of the Su family. They came back frequently in the past few days, and the rumors in the village were all about their family, which disturbed everyone's peace. .

"Third Uncle and Third Aunt, Brother Mingcheng's land is here, don't you guys look for it before breaking the corn?"

"Who are your third uncle and third aunt? We don't know you." The unscrupulous old woman said fiercely while hiding behind the old man.

"I am the head of this village. My name is Wang Changgui. My father, Wang Manfu, visited the reservoir with my third uncle when I was young."

Old man Su's expression became unnatural.

Of course he remembered Wang Manfu. On a stormy night 30 years ago, old man Su was supposed to go to the reservoir to inspect. The flood washed away, and Wang Changgui was only nine years old at that time.

"You, what do you want?" Old man Su asked with a guilty conscience.

"Compensate for Erleng's loss."

"We didn't do it on purpose." Mrs. Su kept jumping back and forth on the verge of death, and Wang Changgui's teeth itch with hatred.

"Third Aunt, if you don't do it on purpose, you don't need to pay compensation? How can there be such a good thing in the world?"

"It's a big deal, it's a big deal to pay him some money, but he just hacked me with a kitchen knife and gave me a heart attack. I'm going to the hospital to see a doctor."

Wang Changgui was laughed out of anger. He heard that the old lady was messing around, sitting on the kang and scolding her son and daughter-in-law for being incompetent.

But I didn't expect her to be sloppy, who told the fool to scare people with a knife without asking?Reasonable also became irrational, he had a gloomy face.

The old lady said she was sick when she said she was sick, she went to the ground, closed her eyes and began to hum, and began to sing, "Oh, I can't live anymore, I want to kill people, bully me, an old lady... ah... ah... ..."

The villagers laughed out loud, and Su Jian's face seemed to be on fire. She stepped forward, her eyes fixed on the fool's head.

"Uncle Changgui, Uncle Erleng may not be feeling well, you should go to the hospital first."

The old lady has good ears. The dead girl doesn't care about her grandma, but she cares about the life and death of the enemy's family?

She got up straight away, "Su Jian, come over to me, damn girl."

Su Jian looked at her, frowning slightly.

In the morning she saw that grandma's heart was very healthy, but now it's another scene.

Her medical knowledge is too little, she only knows that there are subtle differences between the two stereograms, but she can't tell what's wrong.

"Let's all go to the hospital together, hurry up."

(End of this chapter)

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