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Chapter 413 Mrs. Su is Dead

Chapter 413 Mrs. Su is Dead
After school in the evening, I called my family first. Now my grandparents live in their house, and my parents are in a happy mood all day long.

"You study hard, don't worry about it at home, Xiao Dan and Pengfei are going to take the provincial exam in two days, your dad said he wants to go with him."

"Let my dad go. He has never left the city in his life. It's good to see the world. Uncle won't be back in a short time. Pengfei's uncle will follow. Let my dad go with him then."

Hearing what her daughter said, Liu Fang felt as if she had taken a reassurance, and she felt a lot of reassurance.

Putting down the phone, she relayed the message to Su Mingcheng.

"Tomorrow is the eighth festival. I'll go to the fair to buy you new clothes. The provincial capital is not like our village. People will laugh at you if you don't dress well."

"Don't waste money, just wash the clothes. If you let me wear new clothes to the big city, I feel uncomfortable in my heart. It's not as comfortable as wearing the old clothes."

Now that the family has undergone sudden changes, Su Mingcheng's mood gradually becomes brighter, and he can occasionally make a few witty remarks.

In the first few days, Xiao Jane didn't let him take care of his parents, and he couldn't sleep well for several nights, worrying that he would be charged with unfilial piety, and would not think about food and drink.

Now it seems that I was really worrying too much. Of the three brothers, he received the least love from his parents. He spent his childhood in fear of being beaten and scolded by them, which made him a cowardly character.

It's good to try to change yourself, at least now life is very comfortable, taking care of his father-in-law who loves him, the family is happy and harmonious, the child is successful in school, he has endless energy in his body.

Before going to bed, I chatted with my father-in-law for a while, and just about to lie down, someone knocked on the door.

It was the neighbor Wu Tiejun, sweating all over his forehead.

"Brother, what's the matter? Aren't you taking care of your old man in the hospital?"

"Mingcheng, go and have a look, the third aunt was hit by a car and covered in blood, I'm afraid it won't work."

When Su Mingcheng and Liu Fang rushed to the hospital, they found that their daughter Xiaojian had already arrived.

"Little, little Jane, what's going on? Is it really your grandma? Why did you get hit by a car again?"

Su Jian's face was gloomy. Half an hour ago, she received a call from the male nanny who took care of her grandma. The old man was incoherent in fright. After finally explaining clearly, Mrs. Su was hit by a car again.

When she rushed to the hospital, the driver who caused the accident ran away. The nanny said that the couple found that the old lady was not in the house, so they came out to look for it. At the intersection, they saw someone lying on the ground.

"Is she confused again?"


The prescription was shown to Teacher Fang, and it was confirmed that it could remove the blood stasis in her brain little by little. As long as the nerves were not compressed, her head would be clear and she would not behave uncontrollably.

"Dad, Mom, my grandma is gone!"

go, go?
Su Mingcheng sat down on the ground, his eyes glazed over.

She checked, and the blood stasis in the old lady's brain has long been absorbed, unless she was bewitched and wanted to make quick money by touching porcelain.

"In the afternoon, the old Mrs. Wang who lives in Qianjie came and talked to your grandma for a long time. Your grandma was very happy when she left."

Su Mingcheng finally got up to take care of the funeral. He asked Su Jian, "Does your third uncle know?"

"I called. It stands to reason that I should have arrived earlier than you."

Just as Su Mingsong came in wrapped in a thick padded jacket, looking around, Su Mingcheng called him.

"Brother, is Mom sick again?"

He was not in a hurry, after answering Su Jian's call, he dressed slowly and came out, took a taxi to the hospital, smoked a cigarette at the door before coming in, because Ding Xiaoxue didn't allow him to smoke at home.

(End of this chapter)

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