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Chapter 419

Chapter 419

"Tomorrow, I will go to the gate of No. [-] Middle School to beat gongs and drums to make them look down on people?"

Zheng Zhi drove the car and looked back at Principal Yu, who was dancing and dancing, and couldn't help laughing.

It's not a dream that my nephew can win the first prize in the Hua Geng Cup competition, right?
Their Zheng family currently has only two children. Yang Bin is 14 years older than Zheng Pengfei. He has been working for two years, and his grades as a student were mediocre, which is remarkable.

Zheng Pengfei was different. He was the son and grandson of their old Zheng family. He used to be the devil king of the world, but now he is a model student. The change was so fast that Zheng Zhi was incompetent for a while.

"Pengfei, Xiao Dan, what reward do you want? Just mention it."

What boys like are nothing more than game consoles, basketball, bicycles and so on. Unexpectedly, the two thought about it for a long time, and finally Zheng Pengfei said that he wanted to eat hand-rolled noodles made by Liu Fang.

"My mother's chili sauce is delicious. The red peppers grown by myself are dried and roasted on the fire. The skin is crispy and then chopped. Add dried shrimps and saline-alkaline green onions. Spicy and fresh, I can eat three bowls by myself."

Listening to his description, several people suddenly felt tongue saliva, and Su Mingcheng swallowed foam. To be honest, no matter how delicious the mutton soup in the provincial capital is, it is not as good as the rice cooked by his wife.

"Go to my house, let's eat handmade noodles tonight."

Yu Shibei had a big face and didn't refuse. Zheng Zhijue was the first time he visited the door, and he didn't take anything. He insisted on visiting another day, and turned around after sending them to the entrance of the village.

Called Xiao Yingying to go to sister-in-law's house for dinner together, opened the door and saw that Su Jian was there.

"What a coincidence, I just came back from your house."

"Why didn't you stay for dinner?" Su Jian asked curiously.

"Another day, another day, I will definitely pay a grand visit. I'm sorry today, so I won't disturb your family reunion."

Hearing that her son had won the first prize in the competition, Cao Yunzhi was very happy and called one by one to inform them. Later, Song Ze and Cao Na also came over and had dinner with them.

"Pengfei said that he likes your mother's hand-rolled noodles the most. As soon as that brat described it, I was so greedy." During the dinner, Zheng Zhi remembered their conversation and drooled.

"Oh, I forgot. Next week is your elder brother's birthday. When I have time, I will learn from Xiao Jian's mother and make it for you to eat."

"Uh, sister-in-law, I'm just talking casually, you don't have to take it seriously!"

Cao Yunzhi doesn't touch the spring water with all his fingers, and the food he makes can be called dark cuisine, which is really unlucky to enjoy.

"If you want to eat, I can make it too, and then give me Uncle's Longevity Noodles."

The last competition for senior high school students will be held this Friday.

The city is also the test center, so there is no need to travel long distances to the provincial capital for the test.

"I've said all I have to say, do you have any questions?"

The students who got Zhongli's notes before benefited a lot from her devil training, because only she can interpret Zhongli's thinking.

The subject of mathematics is actually a layer of window paper. If it is pierced, it suddenly becomes clear, but if it is not pierced, it will always be confused and confused.

Twelve days of training, the aftertaste did not come.

During this period, she received a letter from Aftershock, announcing good things but not bad ones, saying that she was fine in the capital, so don't worry, and when he got a firm foothold and got familiar with the situation, he would help her inquire about Tang Hexiang.

In Su Jian's reply letter, Yu Wei is really not suitable for taking the road of competition. Even if he adds five points, his college entrance examination results are also worrying.

Top universities like Washington DC have to pass their admission scores for self-enrollment. It is good for Yu Wei to pass an ordinary undergraduate course. Don't expect to be admitted to a first-class university.

(End of this chapter)

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