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Chapter 463: Not High Emotional Intelligence

Chapter 463: Not High Emotional Intelligence
The final exam exams are rare, Ren Xiaoxi is crying in the dormitory with a sad face.

"What should I do? My dad will scold me to death. I haven't written two essay questions. What if I fail? My parents will deduct my pocket money."

The other three girls in the dormitory had the same serious expressions as her.

There are too many things to memorize in medical books, and I study them from dawn to dusk every day, wishing to drill a hole in my head and stuff all the knowledge into it.

"Cousin? Cousin?"

Hearing his cousin Xie Shan's voice, Ren Xiaoxi opened the door angrily.

"Why did you come?"

Seeing Su Mingming, Ren Xiaoxi was stunned. This girl is three points similar to Zhongli's girlfriend, who is it?
"Shanshan, who is she?"

"Cousin, she is Feng Mingming, and I am at the same table."

"Why bring an outsider to my dormitory?"

"Obviously my friend, didn't you say to go to KTV to sing at night? There are so many people."

"Yes, Miss Xiaoxi, invite your classmates to play at my house, relax after the exam, and combine work and rest." Su Mingming said with a smile.

Hearing that Xie Shan's cousin at the same table is a high-achieving student in the eighth-year class of the Washington University School of Medicine, Su Mingming was moved to win her over.

Tang Hexiang has been a little cold towards her these days, no need to ask, it must be because she is dissatisfied with her performance, afraid of being abandoned by Tang Hexiang one day, so she bribed Xie Shan with a jade pendant and asked her to take her to Washington University.

"Your family?"

Ren Xiaoxi asked amusedly, "Is your house big? Can you still sing?"

"Sorry, I was wrong, my mother opened a KTV, I mean you can go there for free."

Ren Xiaoxi was taken aback, and secretly looked at Su Mingming.

Her grandfather is a university professor, but her parents are mediocre, working in an ordinary unit with a meager salary.

In the eyes of others, she is Ren Lao's granddaughter, so they naturally look up to her, but economic conditions restrict her from having more social activities.

The three girls said that they still had homework to finish and declined Su Mingming's invitation.

"Cousin, don't you still have a lot of male students in your department? Call them all, everyone is young, and it's fun to play together." Su Mingming kindly reminded.

Ren Xiaoxi's eyes lit up, "You guys follow me to the boys' dormitory building, and I'll call someone. You're right, relax after the exam, so that you can work harder next time."

Su Mingming remained calm, this medical student had a very low EQ, she was tempted by a few nice words, and was worried about how to get to the boys' dormitory.

"Cousin, is it difficult to learn medicine?" On the way, she graciously helped Ren Xiaoxi carry her schoolbag and asked kindly.

Thinking of his messy exam papers, Ren Xiaoxi said, "It's quite difficult, and that's for you too."

"Our class has gathered the best students in the national college entrance examination. For us, the exam is a routine, and it is easy to get a high score."

Xie Shan said proudly, "My cousin scored 678 in the college entrance examination, ranking 12th in the city."

Ren Xiaoxi straightened her chest, raised her proud head, and kept her gaze fixed.

"I just accidentally stood on the shoulders of giants. Shanshan, it's better to keep a low profile. Maybe your future college entrance examination scores will be better than mine."

"Cousin, you are also No.1 in your class, right?"

"No, there is a male student in my class who is stronger, and I can only, only be ranked behind him."

"Wow, let's ask him to come out and play together. I really want to get to know you high school masters, learn from you, and try to become your little junior sister."

(End of this chapter)

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