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Chapter 466

Chapter 466
"This is the paper for the final exam. Take it back and read it. This is the content of the exam for freshman medical students. If you want to read any book, please ask me."

Su Jian was surprised, "Brother didn't take the exam?"

"Well, no time."

When I was at Professor Zhang's house just now, I found that his eyes were blue. He probably didn't sleep well for three nights. Su Jian was very distressed.

"Are you going to work overtime tonight?"

"Need not."

"Then go to bed early, isn't it good to rest in the dormitory? Go live with me?"

Zhong Li seemed to be waiting for her words, and nodded unceremoniously, "Okay, Junior Sister loves me."

Su Jian blamed herself a little. Doctors don't treat themselves. It's not an option for senior brother to stay up all night like this. Tomorrow, I will buy some ingredients to supplement him. The body is the capital of the revolution.

"Brother, over there in Yunnan...can you still go?"

On the one hand, she was worried that he would not be able to get away, and on the other hand, she was worried that the journey would be exhausting, this person's time was being split in half, and she wanted to help him with something, but she was also afraid that someone would use the problem to make things difficult for Zhong Li.

The old professor vaguely mentioned in the conversation that there are different voices in the school, mainly aimed at Zhongli, who think that his qualifications are too young, and he is too young to take on important responsibilities.

There are always people who sing a naysayer, isn't she always being questioned?
Unlike Zhong Li, who won the current initiative by relying on slaps in the face again and again, there are many stubborn people in the academic world, and many rules and regulations restrict his hands and feet.

"The plan remains the same."

He paused and frowned, "Junior Sister, Teacher Fang is in Yunnan, and he encountered some difficult things, so we just went to help him."

Su Jian was taken aback.

"What happened to Teacher Fang?"

"He cured someone to death, but the family of the other party refused to let him go, and wanted to take him to court."

Doctor?Su Jian's mouth was open enough to swallow a cow.

Suddenly, Su Jian and Zhongli's whereabouts were nowhere to be found. Washington University had already started its winter vacation. Since that day, Su Ming had known Ren Xiaoxi, and Su Ming would call her every day, using the pretext of asking questions, and then beating around the bush to inquire about Zhongli.

"Mom, will Su Jian go back to the city?"

"Why ask her? That bad girl had better die."

"You call and ask my uncle, what did Su Jian do?"

"I don't ask, but you should be more careful in what you say in the future. Now that your surname is Feng, where is your uncle? The surname Su has nothing to do with you."

Su Mingming didn't want to argue with her, so he came to Tang Hexiang to increase his knowledge, and found out more and more that her mother was stupid.

It's no wonder that Su Jian endured ten years of humiliation and succeeded in revenge. Her parents' IQ and EQ are both alarming. Fortunately, she was lucky enough to be favored by Tang Hexiang, who was willing to spend money to train her.

Coming out of Wang Chunmei's room, the upset Su Mingming went to find old man Su.

"Master, why did you make the room such a mess? These socks have to be washed, right? It stinks, don't you think it's disgusting?"

The room was smelly, Su Mingming stood at the door pinching his nose, the old man drank too much with others last night, if Su Jian was around, he could tell at a glance that his liver had a problem.

It's a pity that Su Mingming's naked eyes are mortal, and she didn't really care about the old man, so she pretended to tidy up a few times and said, "Grandpa, you have been in the capital for several months, did you talk to my uncle on the phone?"

After the hangover, his mouth was dry, he took a big gulp of overnight tea, and spit out the tea stalks in his mouth. Old man Su said disdainfully, "He won't call me, let me care about him?"

(End of this chapter)

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