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Chapter 485 Can character be healed?

Chapter 485 Can character be healed?
"Uncle, when will brother Huaiyuan have winter vacation?" Su Jian asked.

"I called a few days ago, saying that I have to be busy for a while, and I will try to come back before the Chinese New Year. There are still [-] days before the Chinese New Year. It seems that I am still tired from hearing his voice. Alas, I can't help you. Ask If there is too much, he will be anxious to make a fool of himself, and hang up the phone immediately if he can't say a few words."

"Brother Huaiyuan is a virgin girlfriend?"

"Huh? He told you?"

"No, I'm just asking casually."

Wu Tiejun was very disappointed, and sighed, "It's not a good thing to read too much of this book. There are children in the village who are as old as him, and they can make soy sauce. Brother Huaiyuan probably hasn't even touched a girl's hand. "

Su Jian covered her mouth and smiled, "Don't worry, when the fate comes, maybe your daughter-in-law and grandson will have it together."

"That's a good thing, I've long been looking forward to the day when I can hold my grandson and play around."

After Gao Meilan was punished by Su Jian once, her spirit became a little abnormal. Later, Su Jian dispensed medicine for conditioning. She took the initiative to boil the medicine herself.

They are all tonics to nourish the nerves and regulate blood qi. Sometimes the human body lacks certain trace elements, which causes disharmony between the liver and spleen, and also makes people emotionally unstable, irritable and irritable.

Wu Tiejun attributed his wife's change to Su Jian's credit.

"Uncle, it's all tonics. I'm also happy that my aunt's personality has improved."

It's easy to go from normal to psychotic, and it's not easy to go from psychotic to normal.

When Gao Meilan was a girl, she was bitter and mean, she was outstanding in every way, and she was unreasonable and unforgiving.

At the age of 50, if you are frightened, your personality will become docile and sensible?

"It will be great if brother Huaiyuan gets married and has children, and the life of the uncle's family will be happy."

At noon, Su Dan came back with his tricycle, but the tire was punctured by a nail on the road, and he couldn't find a shop to repair the car, so he had to push it back.

"Dad, Mom, this is today's vegetable selling money. Boss Lin at the market said that many vegetable farmers have started to grow celery now. He is now selling it to nearby counties and cities, and it is often unsalable. When this crop of celery is sold out, we can discuss it." Try something else."

Su Jian was very happy listening to him talking with his parents, which showed that he really wanted to change himself and take on the burden of the family.

After staying at home for three days, Zhongli called at night and said that he would come back tomorrow.

There was a wedding in the neighboring village, and Su Mingcheng and his wife were going to attend the ceremony. There were only three children left in the family.

Su Dan continued to sell vegetables, she was going to the city to cook for Zhong Li, Su Huan patted her chest and promised that she could just stay at home alone, don't worry.

The people in the village are very kind. Knowing that Su Huan is Su Mingsong's daughter, they looked at her strangely at first, but later found that this girl has no pretensions of people from the city. She is modest and polite, and they are willing to chat with her.

At around nine o'clock, Liu Fang steamed her lunch, and the couple went to a neighboring village with Wu Tiejun to drink wedding wine.

"Who are you looking for?"

Hearing a sound at the gate, Su Huan opened the door and came out, only to see Gao Meilan sneaking around with a basket on her arm.

"Are you alone at home?"

"Yes, who are you?"

"I'm from this village, you don't know me?"

Su Huan shook her head. When she came to her uncle's house, she didn't go outside the gate. The village is so big, she couldn't possibly know everything.

Gao Meilan went straight in, and sat on the kang as if she was at her own home.

Where has Su Huan seen such a posture?There is no experience in dealing with aggressive women in the countryside.

"You, what's the matter with you?"

(End of this chapter)

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