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Chapter 495

Chapter 495
"Good boy, I have made you wronged."

Su Huan, who had never received so much attention, almost shed tears with a sore nose.

"Uncle, I'm fine. Take care of your injuries and don't think too much."

No one would have thought of a disaster without reason. If you keep worrying about it, you will be tired and others will be tired too.

Seeing that Wu Tiejun was sweating profusely on his forehead, Su Huan asked in surprise, "Is there something wrong with uncle?"

Wu Huaiyuan frowned, "Well, I had a high fever in the middle of the night, and it's better now, the fever has subsided, but I don't know why I keep sweating."

"Have you asked the doctor?"

The ward she lives in is very good, and the nurse sister will come in every once in a while to measure her temperature, ask her where she feels uncomfortable, and if she wants to drink water and so on.

Why is the uncle so ill, no nurse came to ask?
How did she know that she borrowed Su Jian's light, and Song Ze came to visit her when she was asleep, who would dare to neglect the subject of the surgeon's care?

Just as she was talking, Su Jian came in with a hot water bottle, followed by Su Mingcheng and Liu Fang.

As soon as he came in, Su Mingcheng couldn't wait to rush to the bedside, grabbed Wu Tiejun's hand, and said with red eyes, "Brother, are you better? Is it still hurting? What can I do for you?"

Yesterday, because his mother-in-law was there, Wu Tiejun fell asleep after the operation, so he didn't come here.

Woke up early today, fed Wu Tiejun's chickens, ducks, pigs, geese and dogs at home, urged Liu Fang to make sick meals quickly, and the two of them rode to deliver the meals.

"I feel better……"

Wu Tiejun forced a smile, and Su Jian saw something was wrong.

In the thermal imaging, Wu Tiejun's whole body was frighteningly red.

It is impossible for a normal person to have the same temperature for every part of the body, some deep and some shallow, but Wu Tiejun's thermal imaging is like a boiling crater, which can erupt at any time.

Wound inflammation is a normal phenomenon, but it will only happen when there is a lack of medical treatment and harsh environment.

Now his incision is red and swollen, and some places are still black. It is obvious that the anti-infection medicine after the operation has not had any effect.

"Brother Huaiyuan, go and call the attending doctor, uncle is in very bad condition now."

Wu Huaiyuan hurried to the office to find Tang Yi.

He had just come to work, and before he had changed into his white coat, he heard someone calling his name at the door.

Tang Yi opened a crack in the door with a dark face, "What are you doing?"

"Doctor, I am a family member of a patient in bed 12. Yesterday, my father was operated on by you. Please go and have a look. He has a high fever."

"Fever is a normal reaction, and there is no need to make a fuss."

"No, he burned overnight. The nurse came to see him, and also performed physical cooling. He can't stay at [-] degrees. If this continues, won't he burn out?"

I heard that Tang Yi is the director of internal medicine and has a high reputation in the hospital. Wu Huaiyuan has always respected him, and he is also pleased that his father met a famous doctor.

But which attending doctor uses a narrow door to receive the patient's family?And the attitude is extremely perfunctory and extremely arrogant?

Could it be that there are some ulterior secrets hidden in the house?
Wu Huaiyuan slammed the door angrily, and a young woman with curly hair and a curly figure hid under the table in panic.

"Get out, get out!" Tang Yi jumped into a rage, pushed Wu Huaiyuan out rudely, and slammed the door hard.

"Huh! Lawless things, don't even look at where this is, dare to break in casually?"

Li Chunli patted her chest and said, "Hey, Director Tang, I'm scared to death, who's family, why are you so rude?"

(End of this chapter)

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