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Chapter 519 Life and death have nothing to do with you

Chapter 519 Life and death have nothing to do with you
Su Jun thought she was pretending to disgust him deliberately, the phone rang in the living room, and the nanny called his name.


"Su Jun, what the hell are you doing? Why did Washington University say that you gave up the recommended spot? Are you crazy?"

"Mr. Zhang, I didn't cancel."

"Everyone's calling me. It's New Year's Eve, can you call me Ansheng?"

The teacher in charge of the recruitment scolded him, and Su Jun gritted his teeth and stared at Su Jian.

"The most poisonous woman's heart, I really underestimated you."

"Yo! Brother Jun, what's the matter with you? Have you lost your recommended spot? What a pity, you see, people can't do bad things, if they do, they will be punished."

"Brother Jun is so pitiful. After finally getting the ranking in the competition and getting the pass card from the University of Washington, why don't you just give up?"

"Did you eat something bad during the Chinese New Year? Tsk tsk, life is really moody. Brother Jun, come on, work hard, and strive to be admitted to Washington by your own ability. I'll be waiting for you on the other side!"

After she finished speaking, she slammed the door hard, shaking the ground and seeing that Su Huan had packed up her things, she asked seriously, "Are you ready?"


"Let's go!"

In the living room, Ding Xiaoxue, who looked haggard, stared at her daughter who was about to run away from home.

"Do you have to piss me off?"

"Mom, since you gave the house to Su Jun, our mother-daughter relationship has been broken."

"Huanhuan, Mom is doing this for your own good."

"I don't understand your maternal love, and I don't want to understand it. From now on, I won't ask you for anything again. When I am able to make money, I will pay you back for the kindness you have given me in nurturing me over the years."

"You, you say it again?" Ding Xiaoxue stared at her daughter in despair.

"I am temporarily staying at my aunt's house, and I will return to the suburban high school when school starts."

"If you and my dad can't get along, just divorce. Don't force yourself for the sake of face. After all, what you love the most is yourself."

"Su Huan, why are you so worried? This bad girl taught you to be bad, right?"

Long Xia came in from the outside, heard the conversation between mother and daughter, and reprimanded loudly.

Su Huan glanced at her coldly, "You don't have to worry about my family's affairs."

"What? Say it again? It's so lawless that your mother spoiled you." As she said that, Long Xia was about to hit her, but Su Jian kicked her on her calf.

My God, she was in a hurry just now, she didn't use her powers to check Su Huan's body, what happened to her arm?No wonder the half of the body is drooping and stiff?

"Who gave you a discount on your arm?"

Ding Xiaoxue was stunned.

"It's her!" Su Huan rubbed Long Xia's calf with her fingers.

"She hit me with a baseball bat."

"Nonsense, when did I hit you?" Long Xia argued.

"Of course you won't admit it. You have hit me countless times since you were a child, and none of my parents have upheld justice for me."

She looked sadly at the dumbfounded Ding Xiaoxue, "You said that Su Jian picked on our mother-daughter relationship, do you know that your good cousin is the person I fear the most since I was a child?"

"If it weren't for Su Jian, and my uncle and aunt who loved me, I would have jumped off the tallest building and turned into a pile of meat."

"What am I in this family? Every time she hits me, I want you to tell me, and you will accuse me of lying."

"Am I still your daughter? Even if you give me a little respect and love, I won't be divorced from you."

"I won't want the house anymore. From now on, you don't have to worry about me. Whether I live or die has nothing to do with you!"

(End of this chapter)

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