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Chapter 52

Chapter 52

After Zhongli left, Su Mingming stopped Su Jian and smiled maliciously, "How do you know Zhongli?"

She has a lot of work to do, and she doesn't have the energy to take care of a young lady who is full and has nothing to do.

"What about you, are you deaf?"

Su Mingming was a little angry. When Su Jian saw her before, she was like a mouse seeing a cat, thinking about how to please her, but now she seems to be a different person.

"Acquainted by chance."


Thinking of her recent changes, Su Mingming sullenly said, "Okay, Su Jian, have you climbed a high branch? No wonder you don't like the job my mother found for you."

When Wang Chunmei heard this, she asked her in surprise, "What Gao Zhier?"

"Mom, you don't know, senior brother Zhong Lizhong just came to pack a meal, Su Jian actually said a few words to him."

She raised her face, "Who is Teacher Fang you're talking about? You also know Senior Brother Zhong's teacher?"

Wang Chunmei also became vigilant. If she was an ordinary student, she wouldn't even care about it, but Zhongli was different.

Thinking about Zhongli being an all-powerful figure in No. [-] Middle School back then, it's a pity that she didn't have the chance to become his teacher, otherwise she would be able to brag about it for three years.

"Su Jian, you have to be honest. If you want to go to high school, you can go to high school. My second aunt will continue to support you, but you can't follow other ways. Only by being down-to-earth and taking one step at a time can you achieve success."

She sighed to herself, "I really don't have a long memory. I know you are a fickle girl, but I still want to give you advice and help you. If you can enter a high school, I will give you all the resources you have."


Su Mingming stomped his feet, is mom confused?Su Jian is a wolf, she will not appreciate people, and will only bite back when necessary.

"Obviously, let's be more generous. If Su Jian goes to a vocational high school, I can't help it. I don't have the strength to do it there."

It's true, Wang Nana has been in the vocational high school for two years, it's not her credit, could it be that the vocational high school recruited her alone because of her good looks?

"Second aunt, go slowly, I still have a lot of work to do, so I won't accompany you."

The proprietress fell ill suddenly, and there was a female manager in the store who ordered the employees to do their own work. Su Jian came to the back alley on the first day to wash the dishes.

For some reason, there were more guests coming to dinner than before. Both the chef and the waiter were busy with their feet, and Su Jian was like a spinning top, spinning non-stop.

"Go and bring the food requested by the customer on station two."

"Beer, all the beer in the warehouse is moved out."

"Go and help auntie wash the dishes, there are not enough dishes."


She is a brick in the hotel, and she can be moved wherever she needs to. The first day of part-time work is over, and it is already ten o'clock at night.

A small piece of pastry was eaten all day.

She was so tired and sore, her heel hurt like her own.

In the case of extreme fatigue and hunger, she was unable to activate her abilities to check her body for any abnormalities.

Pushing her bicycle home, she met Su Dan who came to meet her on the way.

"Sister!" Su Dan shouted happily.

"I'm still worried that I won't meet you."

"Why are you here? How do you know I'm working here?"

"Uncle Changgui told me."

Su Dan looked her up and down, and said with a sore nose, "Sister, I should do these jobs. I'm a man, so I should suffer more."

Su Jian patted his head, "Okay, you crybaby, after your senior high school entrance examination is over, you will come out to work like me."

"I want to find a job after the exam."


"Sister, why? You discriminate against me?"

(End of this chapter)

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