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Chapter 524

Chapter 524 The Renovation Package Is For You (Push Up More)
Almost all of Tian Mi's college expenses were earned by herself through work-study programs.

Studying fine arts would cost money. Tian’s family was of a mediocre family, and her parents were ordinary workers. Tian Mi loved to study since she was a child, and she was admitted to the best university.

When she was happy, she worried about tuition fees. Tian Mi knew that her family was in a bad situation. After the college entrance examination, she found three jobs during the summer vacation. She only slept for four hours a day, and finally saved enough tuition fees before the start of school.

In the four years of college, she only went home twice, and stayed in the capital to work to support herself during the winter and summer vacations. She never paid a penny in the field, and even asked her for money to buy cigarettes.

What right does he have to blame himself?
Not wanting her parents to be caught in the middle, Tian Mi promised her mother that she would not be as knowledgeable as Jiang Qingqing.

In the evening, when Tian Ye came home from get off work, he still made a big fuss, and then took his pregnant wife to the small restaurant downstairs to improve his life.

"Dad, Mom, let's eat."

Isn't that the same for ordinary people's dining tables?With vegetables and radishes, whose family has big fish and meat?

This Jiang Qingqing, the Tian family must have offended her in her previous life and abused her parents by doing all kinds of tricks.

"Girl, you are not too young, it's time to talk about your boyfriend."

A mother naturally loves her daughter, and now only if she gets married, will she not be angry with her brother and sister-in-law, but in a short time, where can I find a suitable candidate?
"Mom, I received a private job. When I earn money, I will move out and rent a house."

"Huh? Girl, it costs money to rent a house outside."

"I'm willing to spend money. I will never marry any random man like Jiang Qingqing did."

Jiang Qingqing slept with Tian Ye less than half a month after he knew him, the purpose was to get rid of that family as soon as possible.

At any time, a woman should not pin her happiness on a man. She is very sober, even if she sleeps on the street, she will not marry herself casually.

After dinner, he started to design Su Jian's house, and worked until late at night before standing up and stretching in satisfaction.

When I came out to pour hot water, an indescribable sound came from my brother's room.

Since Jiang Qingqing's fetus was firmly seated, the two had no restraint at all. They really felt sad for their unborn nephew, and they could only pray to God to give them a healthy child in Tian's family.

Early the next morning, she rushed to the place she had agreed with Su Jian, and after waiting for a while, Su Jian came by car.

"It's the first time I've made a design drawing. If you're not satisfied, feel free to mention it."

She was worried that Su Jian would not understand, and was about to explain it to her, but Su Jian just took a look and put it away.

"If I leave all the decoration work to you, will you be able to finish it?"

"What?" Tian Mi looked at her in surprise.

"To be honest, my family is not here, and I don't know much about the renovation market in the provincial capital. I need a supervisor to help me keep an eye on the progress of the renovation."

"Little sister, wait a minute, do you understand my blueprint?"


"... Are you satisfied?"

"What? You don't have confidence in your design draft?"

She has a super memory, she can memorize a book just by flipping through it, let alone an interior design drawing.

"Can you accept what I said?"

Tian Mi was still in shock.

If you want her to design the blueprints, she can pull the decoration team to do the big package, but she can't guarantee that she can do it well.

"Have you worked in Yueda Company for half a year, have you ever been to a construction site?"

Tian Mi nodded.

She was doing all the errands in the company. It was her personality. If you told her what she did, she would definitely do it to perfection, so she suffered all kinds of hardships.

"You should know the decoration workers of various types of work. You pull out those who you think are capable of working and decorate my house. The cost is twice as much as that of Yueda Company."

(End of this chapter)

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