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Chapter 549 I Saved You Face

Chapter 549 I Saved You Face
Cui Youfa gritted his teeth and said, "It's just 30 yuan of wood, what do you want to say?"

"Composite wood for 18 yuan. I want pure pine for the table. This is composite wood. Master Dong, you should be able to see it, right?"

Old Dong rubbed his eyes and took a closer look, then looked at Cui Youfa in disbelief.

Facts speak louder than words.

Tian Mi is shaking all over now, from the top of her head to the soles of her feet. Su Jian trusts her so much that she entrusts her with the decoration of two houses.

Before entering the industry, she heard that some people went to the decoration market one day in advance, greeted the store owner, and took the employer to the store the next day to purchase goods, raising prices to make a difference. This is nothing new in the industry.

But she was not deeply involved in the world, and she couldn't figure out some twists and turns. Now that Su Jian had clarified her words, her heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

It's a pity that I can't keep my job. I don't blame anyone, but I blame myself for my incompetence.

"Master Cui, because we are a village, you spit out the kickbacks to me, and I will not hold you accountable for other things."

a village?Cui Youfa looked at her in surprise.

"You live in the same village as me?"

"Yes, I am Su Mingcheng's daughter, Su Jian!"

Su, Su Mingcheng?Cui Youfa had a hellish expression.

"Are you Su Mingcheng's daughter?"

"Yes, don't be surprised, you took more than 800 yuan from my decoration, take it out now."

Cui Youfa, who was still in shock, obviously did not expect that Su Jian would be so unkind.

Even if she is not from the same village, she should save some face for others. She is deliberately taking revenge on herself, isn't it because she didn't go to the construction team she formed?
"Su Jian, you need evidence to slander someone."

"Evidence? Isn't Master Dong a witness? Tian Mi can't tell the difference between composite wood and solid wood, Master Dong knows it well!"

"If you still don't give up, let's go to the market now to see if I have wronged you."

Old Dong stomped his feet angrily, "Cui Youfa, you are going to kill me!"

He was the one who brought Cui Youfa here, and he usually seems to be honest and responsible, so how can he do such a thing?

"These are indeed not solid wood, you can tell by smelling them."

"Hurry up and take out the money. The little boss can do carpentry, so he naturally knows a lot. Don't do things like cheating, it's too embarrassing."

Old Dong was very ashamed. He really thought about defrauding Su Jian of his money. He never expected that Cui Youfa would be so ruthless, taking away more than 800 kickbacks at once. After their carpentry work was completed, each of them almost got the money.

One cannot live without a bottom line.

Under Su Jian's eyes, Cui Youfa had no choice but to take out the money.

"Hmph! Su Mingcheng has raised a good girl, now I've opened my eyes."

"So-so, not as capable as you, Master Cui!"

When he left, Tian Mi and Lao Dong felt a little uncomfortable.

"Miss Su Jian..."

"Sister Tian, ​​please go home!"

Tian Mi was dejected, that's right, how could she have the face to beg Su Jian to give her another chance?
"Go back and get an injection as soon as possible. I'll prescribe a decoction for you. Combining traditional Chinese and Western medicine, you will recover sooner."

Did she hear it right?

When Su Jian wrote the prescription for clearing the lungs and relieving cough and handed it to her, Tian Mi still felt that she was dreaming.

"What are you doing in a daze? I don't have much time to spend here, and I'm going back tomorrow."

Tian Mi went to the traditional Chinese medicine shop to grab the traditional Chinese medicine, and went home staring at her. Her mother had just returned from the transfusion.

"Why did you come back with the medicine?"

"Mom, I met a very powerful little girl, 17 years old, who can not only make furniture, but also see a doctor."

(End of this chapter)

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