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Chapter 554

Chapter 554

On the weekend, Su Mingming made an appointment with Ren Xiaoxi and invited her to watch a movie.

"Sister Xiaoxi, are you busy with your homework now?"

"It's okay, if I'm busy, how can I have time to go out to watch a movie with you?"

"Sister Xiaoxi, are outside students allowed to attend the university classroom?"

"What do you mean?" Ren Xiaoxi looked at her strangely and asked.

"I think when I'm not busy with homework, I'll go and listen to what sister Xiaoxi is studying."

"Su Mingming, are you crazy? What can you understand when you go there?"

"Sister Xiaoxi can teach me!"

"Hehe, do you have other thoughts? Let me tell you, you are still a high school student, so don't think about men. Doctors have noble professions, and their standards for choosing a spouse will also be very high in the future."

Su Mingming scolded her for being snobby in his heart.

It's ridiculous, her standard for choosing a mate is also very high, unless a boy is as good as Senior Brother Zhong, she can't even look down on him.

Ren Xiaoxi won't let her go, so she won't go?

Anyway, Tang Hexiang invited the teacher to her home to teach her, and she could control her time freely. After class, she would come out with her schoolbag on her back, take the bus to Washington University, and sneak into the university campus.

Ordinary undergraduates of the medical department attend classes with the eighth-year students. Medical students have a lot of homework every day. Like Ren Xiaoxi, few of them are admitted to the eighth-year class and do not study hard. not give a damn about.

Is Zhongli here?

Su Mingming sat at the back of the classroom, and she was disappointed that she didn't see Zhongli until the class started.

At first, he suspected that he had gone to the wrong classroom. When he saw Zhongli's three roommates walking together, Su Mingming almost couldn't hold back and asked them where Zhongli was.

The examination time will be announced, and it will be next Monday and Tuesday mornings.

On Sunday night, Zhongli, who hadn't contacted him for ten days, called.

"Come on!"

Su Jian's heart shuddered, and Zhongli's voice was obviously tired.

"Brother, have you been busy recently?"

"a little busy."

"A few days ago, I asked Uncle Zheng to help sell a rough stone. Have you received the money?"

"Hmm! Very timely, thank you."

"Brother, have you eaten well?"


Zhongli coughed for a while, and Su Jian suddenly became nervous.

"Brother, you should pay attention to rest more, I will have an exam tomorrow, so I won't talk to you much."

She wanted Zhongli to rest earlier, but she didn't know if this wish could come true.

The two-day exam ended soon, and all the teachers were concerned about Su Jian's grades. She came to Zhao Jing to ask for leave.

"Where are you going?"

"Go to Beijing."

Zhao Jing sighed, it was not like before, when she didn't know how capable she was, and worried that she would go astray and restrict her freedom.

Principal Ma and Director Guo both let go of their rights. This kid is so worry-free. Not only did the school win the math competition championship for a second time, but he also helped No. [-] Middle School win the first prize of the Huageng Cup.

"Be careful, if you make a mistake, I can't eat it, so I will walk around."

"Teacher, this kind of thing will not happen."

"By the way, teacher, don't forget to go on a blind date on weekends. My cousin is very good. If you learn more about him, you will find that he is a treasure boy."

Zhao Jing blushed, never dreaming that one day the students would introduce her a boyfriend.

Before leaving, Cao Yunzhi called and asked her to help with something at home.

"Little Jane, I caught two old hens, you take them to mend Nana's body." Liu Fang stuffed the two old hens into a woven bag and tied them tightly with hemp rope.

There was still a bag of pickles on the ground that my grandmother brought to my uncle, and Liu Fang wanted to bake pancakes, but she flatly refused.

(End of this chapter)

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