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Chapter 556 A Mink Fur Coat

Chapter 556

At ten o'clock in the evening, at the train station, Xiao Yingying looked at her watch over and over again, and finally waited until a thin figure appeared in the square.

"Little Jane, let me help you get things."

"Little aunt, have you come early?"

I didn't want her to help carry the luggage, but Xiao Yingying snatched it, and the result was just as she expected.

"Ouch! What is so heavy?"

Su Jian was carrying a backpack on her back, which was bulging.

The left and right hands each carry two large and heavy pockets, which weigh about fifty or sixty kilograms. Why is this kid so strong?

"My grandma brought it to my uncle. The old man misses her son."

Just like last time, her grandma wanted to move the whole house to Liu Sheng. Liu Fang told her not to take these bottles and cans, but the old lady didn't listen, and Su Jian didn't show any impatience.

She has plenty of strength, and grandma only has that little wish, and she can help to fulfill it, so she can help, and grandma can't feel regretful.

"Little aunt, did you come here alone?"


"I have to criticize you. The train station is full of fish and dragons. You, a woman, are easy prey at this late hour."

Xiao Yingying gave a "puchi" smile, "Are you still talking about me? A little girl like you is the target of villains."

Su Jianxin said, do you have what I have?Recently, he devoted himself to studying the kung fu that is popular in Liao Houxi's hometown. He should have no problem dealing with three or five big men.

Besides, who doesn't have eyesight, dare to do something to the "weili loli" who is carrying a weight of more than ten catties?
Xiao Yingying's company was successfully registered in the capital, and it is currently in the recruitment stage. It was her first time doing business, and she was in a hurry. Fortunately, her friend heard that she had established a company and was willing to come and help her.

The two chatted for a while, and the broadcast announced that the train bound for the capital would start checking tickets. Xiao Yingying asked anxiously, "Why hasn't the second sister come yet?"

"She will come."

Seeing Su Jian's calmness, Xiao Yingying couldn't help laughing, "How did you know she would come?"

"If you don't believe me, just watch, she will appear on the stage in a wonderful way, and then become the center of attention of the audience."

As soon as the words were finished, a woman's panic-stricken scream came from the gate.

"Ah! Wait for me, don't leave the train, I haven't got on the train yet."

In the north in March, the spring is cold, especially at night, the temperature is no different from winter, Su Jian is in good health and wears a thin padded jacket, but Zheng Huiwen wears a summer long skirt and a yellow mink coat that reaches to the ankle.

I was sleepy and tired waiting for the bus, but when I heard the screams, everyone looked back, my good fellow, has the weasel become a spirit?
"Oh, it's time to catch up."

Zheng Huiwen patted his chest, and suddenly said harshly, "Su Jian, are you playing with me on purpose?"

"Little aunt, what's wrong with me?"

"You pretend to be pitiful, don't you go by train? Why do you want me to meet at the passenger station? It made me run over there to see that it was pitch black, and they had already left work."

"..." I really want to beat this psychopath!

On the train, Su Jian and Xiao Yingying's sleeper tickets were next to each other.

Zheng Huiwen, who didn't have a ticket, was disgusted in all kinds of ways.

"Little aunt, sit down first, don't block the passengers behind, and then pluck your sable hair off."

She hated others, and Su Jian still hated her. After the train started, she went to the conductor and bought Zheng Huiwen a soft sleeper.

Zheng Huiwen, who enjoys pleasure first, stepped on the high heels to go to the soft sleeper with satisfaction.

"Little aunt, don't get out of the car halfway. I'm not responsible for losing it. It happens that Uncle Yang is looking for a new wife. You will suffer a lot."

(End of this chapter)

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