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Chapter 58

Chapter 58
Put the rest of the money under Aunt Lin's pillow.

"Huh? Why are you here?"

Fang Yong came in with a pot, really a whole pot of black soup, and Zhong Li followed behind, looking up at her.

"Mr. Fang..."

"She came to ask me about my homework." Zhong Li answered for her.

Fang Yong turned his head and looked at him suspiciously, "When did you become warm-hearted? I thought you wouldn't even blink if the sky fell."

He glanced at the consulting room, and said "Huh" again, "Why is there one less person?"

"His son was found, so he took him back." Uncle Li tried to squeeze out a little smile and said.

"Get up and take your medicine."

Su Jian stepped forward and helped Aunt Lin up.

"Thank you, little girl, I haven't asked your name yet."

"Su Jian, Su from Gusu, simple Jane."

"You are so kind, your name is nice, and you look good. You are a good boy." Aunt Lin's eyes became lonely.

"My granddaughter is one year older than you. She has been by my side since she was ten months old, and now she is 17 years old."

Fang Yong came over with a bowl of medicine, "Speak less and save your energy."

Aunt Lin smiled ashamedly, "Dr. Fang, I have caused you trouble."

Uncle Li and Aunt Lin, who were homeless, knew Fang Yong's clinic by accident, so they all came here.

Traditional Chinese medicine has been unable to cure their diseases, probably for peace of mind. Su Jian guessed that what Dr. Fang boiled was ordinary herbal tea.

After taking the medicine, the two fell into a deep sleep, and Fang Yong looked at her with his hands on his hips.

"Have you read all the books?"

"Only read one book."

Su Jian hurriedly took out the medical book from her schoolbag, Zhong Li glanced at it, and saw that it was the book he hadn't finished reading yet.

"If you want to look at other things, go and look for them yourself, Song Ze is really idle."

"Teacher Fang, there are several things I don't understand, and I want to ask you for advice."

"I'm not your teacher, don't babble, a junior high school student wants to read medical books, are you crazy or am I crazy?"

Fang Yong made it clear that he was not cooperative, so she had no choice but to put away the notebook.

"Come with me, don't you want to ask me about the knowledge of the first year of high school?"

ah?Su Jian was stunned for a moment, and quickly realized that Zhongli wanted to help her.

When the two came to the small warehouse, all the previously covered windows were exposed, and a wooden table and two chairs were placed beside them.

"sit down."

There are a lot of books on the table, and there are notes spread out. The font is beautiful, the writing is strong, and the cursive is beautiful.

"Senior Brother Zhong..."

"You call me that too?" Zhong Li turned to look at her, making Su Jian very embarrassed.

"I will definitely be admitted to No. [-] high school."

"Oh, I've already graduated, not a high school student, but you can call me Senior Brother."

He agreed, and Su Jian was a little happy.

"Brother Zhong won't take the college entrance examination?"

"Yes, I am a recommended student."

"Washington University?"

Zhongli looked at her strangely, "How do you know?"


"You may not know, but we met a long time ago." Zhongli looked at her quietly.

"You saved a little girl stuck in sugar in the hospital."

He witnessed Su Jian's treatment process with his own eyes, and was very shocked. A junior high school student who had no systematic education and had common sense of first aid, not only he paid attention, but several doctors were also very interested.

"How much of the freshman class have you read?"

"Just finished math."

"A whole book?"

Su Jian was a little guilty. She only looked at the general idea and sorted out the important knowledge points. In front of the high-achieving students who were recommended to Washington, she didn't dare to play tricks.

(End of this chapter)

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