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Chapter 598 Who Is Your Birth?

Chapter 598 Who Is Your Birth?
Some of the neighbors know the law, but they really can't understand Ding Xiaoxue's coquettish manipulation.

"What's the matter? What are you all doing around my door?"

When Su Mingsong came back from get off work, he found that there were people around the door, and his heart skipped a beat.

"Old Su, you are really cruel to your own daughter."

"Lao Li, what do you mean?" Su Mingsong asked very displeased.

"Let's say who can spend 20 yuan to buy a house at once, and there are not many shares in the entire community, right?"

"You guys are capable, so we can't be jealous, but you two treat your own daughter too cruelly, because she is a girl, do you value boys over girls?"

"Old Li, what are you talking about? Who favors boys over girls? What does my family have to do with you?"

"It has nothing to do with us, it just looks down on you two."

"Hehe, what are you thinking about giving away 20 yuan to your nephew for nothing and kicking your daughter out of the house? She is a little girl who is only in the first year of high school. What mistake did you make to treat her like this?"

"It's really pitiful. Whoever has confused parents like you can only be the child's sorrow and misfortune."

"Old Li, I don't even know what you're talking about. Are you trying to stir up disputes with the neighbors?"

Lao Li shook his head, and decided to stay away from this family in the future, and he would be disgusted to death by them someday.

"Comrade, have you discussed with your daughter before gifting the house to your nephew?"

Ding Xiaoxue also heard the accusations from her neighbors, and felt very upset. There are always some people who don't want others to live better than them. She can deal with her house as she likes, and no one can control it.

"Why should I discuss it with her?"

"Your daughter has the will made by her grandfather, the villa in City B, and his house in the garden area. Your daughter Su Huan is the heir."

"What? That's impossible. Before my father died, he couldn't write or speak. How could he make a will?" Ding Xiaoxue screamed.

"I'm not sure about this. The evidence provided by Su Huan is true and reliable. If you have any objections, you can investigate and collect evidence."

"Family disputes are best resolved internally. My suggestion is that you discuss how to deal with the house."

Comrades from the police looked at Su Jun, smiled and said, "A gentleman loves money, and you get it in a proper way. Your name has the word Jun. I hope you can really be an upright and noble person."

Su Jun sneered, "Thank you for your advice!"

"Huanhuan, why are you back?"

Su Mingsong was overjoyed when he saw his daughter.

"I'm planning to visit you at school tomorrow, what are you bringing the police to your house for?"

"And you, Su Jian, have you dropped out of school? Why can I always see you happily with my family?"

Su Huan looked at her useless father coldly.

He used to say that Su Mingcheng was the most unpromising of the three brothers. He made all kinds of sarcasm and sarcasm, and even fooled his elder brother. He didn't pay back the debt he owed for 16 years even if he had money.

Now he is like a clown, showing off his poor acting skills, trying to restore the broken relationship between father and daughter.

"I want what's mine."

"Huanhuan, if you have anything to say, let's go home and talk about it. Comrade police, we will solve it internally and let you go all the way. I'm sorry. Do you think I can call a car for you or what should I do?"

Su Jian was introduced by the retired police chief of City B. Comrade policemen looked at her and wanted to hear what she had to say.

"Third Uncle, Su Huan just wants to get back what belongs to her. I don't understand why you and Third Aunt insist on pushing her away."

"...Could it be that Su Jun is your biological son?"

(End of this chapter)

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