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Chapter 675

What?Su Jian coming?Why doesn't she know?
"Who did you hear that from?" she yelled wildly.

"Bah! Who else said that? You are a big fool, just wait to be kicked out."

Old man Su's belly was bulging with anger. This was Tang Hexiang's house, and he knew how to measure it, so he didn't dare to make trouble.

If this is the second child's family, let's see if he doesn't kill this damn girl, did he take the wrong medicine tonight?Come play wild with him?
The grandpa and grandson were fighting, and the nanny hid far away. Neither of them was attractive. She searched around, and finally found the chef and the nanny chatting about drinking tea and eating melon seeds in the corner.

"Miss, what are your orders?"

"I'm hungry, I want supper."

"It's very late, the kitchen has been tidied up, don't fire anymore, bear with it, and have breakfast tomorrow morning."

"What did you say? Do you know who you're talking to?"

"I'm talking to you, Miss, do you have any questions?"

"You! Are you not afraid that I will sue my godmother?"

"Miss, please be sympathetic to the suffering of us people. After ten o'clock, the kitchen really doesn't fire. If you are hungry, eat some biscuits."

Su Mingming, who was already full of anger, was now perfunctory and bullied by a few miscellaneous workers. He said angrily, "Hurry up and make it for me. I want to eat bird's nest. If you don't do it, pack your bags and get out."

"Oh Miss, you are so scary. I have worked in this family for five or six years. Mr. Feng and Mr. Tang never said that I did not do well. How could you tell me to get out? Isn't it just to miss a supper? "

"You were in the previous home, hungry at night to eat bird's nest?"

Su Mingming hated others bringing up his past, and was about to lose his temper when he suddenly remembered what Su Jun had said to her.

"...OK, where are the cookies? I eat cookies."

The nanny blinked and looked at her in disbelief.

"Bring me biscuits, there should be milk, right? Where do you put it? I'll get it myself."

She looked around in the kitchen, saw milk and biscuits, took them back to her room.

Several servants looked at each other.

"Is she up to something?"

"Yeah, it feels weird, and suddenly changed sex?"

"Oh, she won't tell President Tang about us tomorrow, will she?"

"I think it's better to make a midnight snack for her. Don't you still have leftover chicken soup? Put it on the stove to heat up, and send the next handful of dried noodles over there."

"We ate all the chicken soup, how can there be any chicken soup?"

"Add water and mix some chicken powder, she will be so stupid that she can't eat it, and then add two fried eggs, if Mr. Tang asks tomorrow, we will say that the bird's nest needs to be soaked, and there is no time to make it."

"That's right, what kind of bird's nest do you eat? You don't piss to take care of yourself, do you deserve to eat bird's nest?"

"It's as annoying and shameless as her grandfather, why does Mr. Tang think of this kind of girl as a goddaughter?"

"Okay, don't say what we shouldn't say, and do it quickly. If you don't get angry, add some seasonings to the noodles, do you still need me to teach you?"

"Haha, you're right. Calling her grandpa immortal is really disrespectful and unworthy of our service."

After a while, the nanny came over with chicken noodle soup.

"Miss, don't be angry, the kitchen has made chicken soup noodles, try it, let them make crystal shrimp dumplings for the miss tomorrow morning."

Su Mingming sullenly said with a blank expression, "Put it aside!"

Withdrew in secrecy, pouted contemptuously, and added the saliva of the four of them, to see if she would still open up for supper?You really know how to toss people, and you really think of yourself as your master?

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