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Chapter 712

"It's all good, all is good, I'm very good now."

Knowing that she is going to be a mother, Xiao Yingying's maternal radiance is extremely strong, her words are gentle and gentle, but now she is even more delicate, making people want to care for her.

"Our family is thanks to Xiao Jian. You should listen to her well and take care of your baby. You can move around when you are five months old. Let's go home and live."

"Well, sister-in-law, I think so too."

Cao Yunzhi brought a bunch of things, opened the bag and saw that it was full of various nutritional products that are good for pregnant women.

"You can buy the child's things before giving birth. I ordered a few old clothes that Nana's son wore. Newborn babies are good to wear old clothes. They are soft. Don't dislike them."

"I won't dislike it. I heard that the baby is white and fat, but it's rare."

"Your sister-in-law Yanchun wished she could hang her grandson on her body and carry it with her wherever she goes!"

Mentioning the son of Song Ze and Cao Na, several people laughed.

"It's almost six months now, it's fun, it's not disturbing at all, eat when you wake up, play when you're full, and go to bed when you're done playing. I'm still talking about how many more children like this will be born," Cao Na said. Don’t do anything, it’s just right for a family of three.”

"Sister-in-law, I now believe in the saying that children and parents have fate, what is yours is yours, let nature take its course, everything is God's best arrangement."

"You're right if you think like this. If you have a good attitude, your child will grow up healthily."

The sister-in-law hadn't seen each other for a long time, and she had a lot to say, but Yu Shuxiang secretly tugged at the lapel of the elder sister-in-law.

"Sister, we should go, Zhiqiang is still locked inside."

Bai Yanchun didn't like this younger sibling very much, not because she was from the countryside. She was also from a peasant background, so naturally she wouldn't look down on farmers.

It's just that Yu Shuxiang's character is selfish, and she doesn't know how to read words and expressions. It's all caused by her nephew's end today.

The Bai family does not have patriarchal problems, but Yu Shuxiang does.

She gave birth to three daughters in one go, and the fourth boy was Bai Zhiqiang who was locked up.

From childhood to adulthood, I want the stars not to give the moon. The three daughters are all doormats. The younger brother has never had his feet stick to the ground until he was six or seven years old. Those who were scolded were all three sisters.

Before the age of 30, he has already entered the palace for the third time, and Lao Bai's family still counts on him to carry on the family line. Whose girl is blind and willing to marry him?
"It's getting late, let's find a way to see Zhiqiang tomorrow."

"It's not even noon, how can it be late? I haven't eaten lunch yet."

Her words reminded Zheng Zhi.

"Little Jane, can you take your aunts to dinner?"

Su Jian nodded, "Sure, let's find a restaurant nearby."

She said to Zheng Zhi, "After dinner, I will send my aunt back to the company dormitory."

"No, no, little Jane, find a small hotel near the hospital. I'll take care of Yingying. It's not convenient to live too far away." Cao Yunzhi said hastily.

"Auntie, it's not far from the company's dormitory. It takes 5 minutes by taxi and ten minutes on foot."

"Really? That's really great. Okay, I will live in the dormitory. Is there a kitchen? I can cook some nutritious meals for Yingying. Recently, I signed up for Chinese food training, and the teachers all praised me for my high understanding."

Several people in the room couldn't help laughing.

"Auntie, the company has a chef who can make pregnant women's meals for my little aunt, and you will be responsible for delivering them, chat with her, and just pass the time."

That's great.

A group of people went to a nearby restaurant and only remembered Zheng Huiwen in the car after eating half of the meal.

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