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Chapter 720

"Is it really a foreigner?"

"Can there be a fake? He keeps speaking foreign languages, as if he was reporting to someone or something. Old Feng, if you don't find me, I will die in the garbage dump."

At four o'clock in the afternoon when the garbage was being dumped, a cleaner found Tang Hexiang lying in the dirty puddle. Feng Yuanjun only heard about her.

"It seems that it really has nothing to do with Su Jian."

"What do you mean?" Tang Hexiang didn't know that he had spent 100 million to redeem her.

Feng Yuanjun looked at her, "It's okay, you have a good rest, it's a good thing to wake up, the doctor put you in the hospital, you can live here with peace of mind."

When did he offend foreigners?I couldn't figure it out even though I was thinking about it, and when I got angry, a boil popped out on my buttocks.

Su Jian went back to the city, and Lao Zheng drove her to the train station.

"I'm watching here. Mr. Gay said that he can suspend the investment. We'll talk about everything after your college entrance examination."

"Okay, uncle, keep an eye on Bai Zhiqiang. There must be a gang of scammers behind him. Find them out. Our money didn't come from the wind."


Old Zheng scratched his head and said embarrassedly, "Your Uncle Xia asked you if he could invite you to travel to Southeast Asia after the college entrance examination."

Su Jian covered her mouth and smiled, "He wants to get rich again so soon?"

"Hey, this old boy is making money, he's not good at anything except jade and jewelry."

"I see, uncle, I'm leaving, you should go back too."

How can I go to the provincial capital to transfer trains without going to see the operation of my company?

Every other week, Tian Mi reported to her the company's operation situation by phone.

To be honest, it was very difficult to hand over a whole lot of things to a girl who had just entered the society and had no experience. Fortunately, aftershock joined in time, and the company's operations gradually stabilized.

Last night Tian Mi fell asleep while reporting to her on work, and Xiao Jian was not willing to wake her up.

Too tired, she must hire someone to help her, otherwise the company will need a lot of talents in the future.

It was ten o'clock at night, and the driver made a special detour to go to the company. From a long distance, he saw a faint light protruding from the rolling shutter door.

"Thank you, master, go slowly!"

Glancing at the shop on the left side of the company, there was a sign of "Jiwu for sale" hanging on it. The ability showed that this shop was bigger than Zhang Baoguo's house. Without hesitation for a moment, Su Jian took out the phone and dialed it.

"Looking at the house now? Do you know what time it is?" the owner muttered impatiently after being woken up.

"You don't need to look, just come here and get the deposit directly, and go to the housing management office to go through the transfer procedures tomorrow."

Emma, ​​what a big tone, where is the crazy woman at night?

"I'll give you 10 minutes, if you don't come here, forget it."

"No, who are you?"

The homeowner is not happy, and he has to know the name of the other party to harass him, otherwise how can he swallow this breath?
"The boss of Apple Beauty."

"Su, Su Jian?"

"Yes, it's me."

The homeowner started putting on his pants as soon as he put down the phone, and his wife complained under the covers, "Which little vixen called you?"

"The boss of Apple Meijia got rich, so I said wait and see, how about it? I really waited for her, she will definitely buy our store."

"Really? Husband, please ask for more money. Her family's business is doing well. I heard that they made at least more than [-] yuan this month."

"Okay! I'm sure the lion will open his mouth."

hey-hey!The God of Wealth knocks on the door in the middle of the night, it's a good time!
Riding on the [-]th pole and running all the way, seeing a graceful lady standing in front of his shop, the owner of the house had evil thoughts.

This girl is quite courageous, she is a fool, she dares to meet the gentlemen at night, she is not a good bird, she seems to be taking advantage of herself.

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