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Chapter 723 His wife beat him

"8 yuan?"

"Yes, I bought it for 100 yuan, more than [-] square meters."

The area is still not big enough, so let's do it first, if you can't eat fat people in one go, take your time.

"8 yuan is lower than the market price, how can he be willing to sell it?"

"Brother Yu, I didn't force him. If you don't believe me, you can ask Police Officer Han in Pian'er District."

The two went back with their breakfast, and Tian Ye fought with the security guards, and was picked up by three or four security guards, and thrown onto the main road.

Su Jian couldn't help laughing, "Brother Yu, have you greeted them?"

"I said it. I'm not a resident of this community. How can I force my way in?"


To deal with rogues, one must use rogue methods. The next step is to see how Tian Mi handles them. He should be decisive and not suffer from chaos.

But can she do it?
Knowing that her brother came to make trouble again, Tian Michou couldn't eat anymore.

"I gonna go see."

"Sister Mi, only when the family affairs are settled can we do a good job at work."

"I see."

Tian Mi went away for a long time before returning, half of her cheek was swollen, needless to say, she was slapped by his brother.

"Little Jane, can I, can I work at home today?"

It's really embarrassing to see people, no matter how much she persuades, Tian Ye just won't go back, and wants her to buy him a new house here.

"Okay, you go home and have a good rest."

At the gate of the community, Tian Ye was about to smash to the end, sitting on the curb and cursing, the residents coming and going showed expressions of disgust.

"Hey, wait, are you the boss of my sister's company?"

He stood up suddenly, grabbed the lapel of Aftershock and held on.

"Release!" Aftershock scolded coldly.

"If you don't let go, if you let go, you will run away. Who should I ask for money?"

Yu Zhen twisted his backhand, and pushed him far away. Looking at his crumpled suit, Yu Zhen said coldly, "Get out! Don't let me see you. If you dare to harass Tian Mi again, I'll see you hit me once." .”

Tian Ye fell hard on the ground, hitting his tailbone, grinning his teeth in pain.

"It's none of your business if I find my sister? Aren't you her boss? You're still beating her because you didn't pay her wages in arrears?"

"What does her salary have to do with you?"

It was Tian Mi who took the initiative to say that she should not give her salary yet, because she was afraid that her elder brother and sister-in-law would go away.

This girl is too honest, she doesn't take any responsibility as a brother, she asks her sister for money, and if she doesn't give her money, she beats her. As the general manager of the company, he has to seek justice for the employees.

"You disappear from here immediately, if you try to harass Tian Mi again, it's your bones that are hard, or my fists that are hard."

"You, you dare to hit me? If it breaks, I'll go to your house and lie down."


Aftershock kicked him on the buttocks, Tian Ye wailed in pain.

"Let's go, Jane."

Glancing at the man rolling on the ground, Su Jian walked past him expressionlessly.

The homeowner went to the housing management office early, and seeing his bruised nose and swollen face, Yu Zhen looked at Su Jian amusedly.

"It's nothing to do with me, I didn't hit him."

It was his wife who beat him, and when he didn't get any money, his wife suspected that he was hiding money. The two fought, and the fight ended with the homeowner's disastrous defeat.

"When will the final payment be given to me?" the homeowner said inarticulately.

"For you? You still want money, don't you?"

Not knowing where his wife came out, she grabbed his ear and cursed.

"We won't sell this house anymore. You bully others and try to take the house away with such a low price. There is no door."

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