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Chapter 726 Useful Than Dogs

"I usually insist on exercising."

"It's young people after all, we are all old, we can't accept it." Someone joked.

In the past few days, everyone's nerves have been tense. If the criminal is not caught today, many people will face punishment. The pressure can be imagined.

I thought that Su Jian would drag down the entire search and rescue team, and some people even thought viciously, blaming her for the failure of the mission, who would let her go up and give her head?
do not judge a book by it's cover!

"Just now you said that you want to search here first, right?" Officer Han asked in a low voice after panting.

"Well, I have a hunch that the criminal is hiding inside." She said in a mysterious way.

"Miss Su Jian, you are very special." Officer Han began to recall every detail of his acquaintance with her.

Being able to refute her uncle, aunt, and cousin into silence, and opening a decoration company with good profits at a young age, it seems that I underestimated her.

"If you have a premonition in a while, tell me in advance."


Her ability is better than a dog's nose, try it if you don't believe me.

Integrating the team, more than a dozen people are ready to go.

"Comrades, we haven't searched this area yet, so please stay tuned and protect yourself at the same time."

At first, Officer Han found that Su Jian was very relaxed. After about ten minutes of departure, she stopped suddenly and stared at one place.

"what is wrong?"

"There seems to be some movement over there?"

What's happening?Officer Han immediately became vigilant.

At this time, the dog started to bark, and everyone was nervous and did not dare to breathe.

The search and rescue dogs took out an injured pheasant from the bushes, with a big gash bubbling blood on its neck. The restlessness caused by the pheasant's dying struggle was discovered by the police dogs.

Officer Han looked at Su Jian. This girl had a hunch that she was stronger than a dog, and she was right. The murderer was really hiding here, preying on pheasants to replenish his strength.

Damn!Not a well-written script, is it?
If you had listened to her earlier, you wouldn't have to wander around the mountains for three hours, wasting everyone's energy and endurance.

Blame him for not listening to other people's advice.

"Officer Han, tell the captain that there is a person hiding at a distance of about 800 meters at ten o'clock."

The murderer was nearby, and everyone was on guard. Su Jian's voice was neither high nor low, just in time for everyone to hear it, including the captain who was walking in the front.

All eyes were on Su Jian.

"The first group and the second group are in the front, three groups and four groups are on the left and right sides. Old Han, you are responsible for protecting Miss Su Jian."


The goal is ahead, everyone is holding their breath, 800 meters, 500 meters, 300 meters...

"Now he is moving in the direction of twelve o'clock, be careful of traps."

The trajectory of the murderer's activities is very suspicious. He seems to be tying something.

Officer Han suddenly remembered a detail, "He likes to fish, does he have fishing line hidden in his pocket?"

It's very possible. If you use fishing lines to arrange traps in such a mountain with complex terrain, one who doesn't pay attention can easily be injured by the fishing line.

After walking more than ten meters, there was indeed a very thin fishing line tied between two big trees, reaching the height of a person's calf, and a bloody chicken feather was hanging on it.

With the knife in his hand, the fishing line was cut off by the captain.

Looking back, he gave Su Jian a thumbs up. This girl is more reliable than a police dog.

The vicious murderer, when he found out that his scheme was easily seen through, became furious and stabbed him with a knife.


Emma!Captain, don't compare yourself, the tip of the knife is stabbing at your back!

Officer Han and the others raised their hearts to their throats, but the captain avoided the criminal's attack with a strange posture.

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