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Chapter 729

"Su Jian, what did you gain from going to the capital this time?"

Su Huan got out of school early today, and while watching Su Jian give a client a decoration plan, he was chewing on a shredded squid.

"Harvest? It's quite big."

"Su Mingming, is she mad at you?"

"It's impossible to be angry with me. She should be having a hard time now, and she can't protect herself."

"Oh, how good would it be if I had your ability? I'm too stupid to talk, and I can't win a quarrel with others."

"The third aunt went to school to look for you again?"

Su Huan scratched her hair irritably, "I suspect that she has early menopause and tried every means to torture me."

Putting down the pen in her hand, Su Jian said seriously, "I think you have time to talk to them, if you can't let go of your family affection."

Su Huan was silent.

Su Jian can always point out her faults straight to the point. In the past, everything she said and did was on point.

She has no siblings and was raised by her grandparents since she was a child, longing for the love of her parents.

But reality hurts.

Mother is an only child with a bad temper, and father is a hypocritical phoenix man. The two combined with different purposes to create her "substandard" product.

On the one hand, she yearns for the love of her parents, but on the other hand, she feels that their love is too heavy for her to breathe.

"I can let it go!"

Growing up is painful, and she shouldn't always live in vain fantasies.

If you talk to them, you also hope that you will let each other go and give each other a way out.

I hope that Ding Xiaoxue has a surviving maternal love and conscience, so that the mother and daughter can hope to get back together.

At the gate of the community, Tian Ye leads a big belly woman, who is arguing with the security guards.

"Call the police and let the police comrades come and judge."

"There are rules everywhere, you can't be a rogue, right? As long as you are not a resident of this community, you can't go in. This is the rule given to us by the higher authorities. Why make an exception for you?"

"My sister is inside, she was kidnapped, can't I go and save her?"

"Kidnapping? Hehe, it's more appropriate to find comrades in the police."

"Will you let me in? Don't let me in. If something happens to my sister, can you afford to be responsible?"

"Stop pushing, get out of here, we don't have a kidnapping case here, so stop talking nonsense."

Several security guards drove him out, and upon seeing this, Jiang Qingqing bumped into them with her big belly.

"Hey, you lesbian, can you be more reserved? How dare you bump into a man?"

"Just hit, oops, my stomach hurts, you hit me in the stomach, no, I'm going to die, my stomach hurts."

The security guards were so angry that the roots of her teeth were itchy. She bumped into others by herself, and she still wanted to let her go. She was shameless?

But what can we do?These two couples are really not a family. If you don't enter the same family, you are the same thing.

"Tell you not to let in, tell you not to let in? Today I blackmail you to death, oh my stomach..."

Su Jian and the others stood aside to watch the excitement.

Hearing that the pregnant woman said that her stomach hurts, she released the power and couldn't help but gasped.

"Come on, stop making trouble. Your wife's life will be lost. Send her to the hospital."

Lifting Tian Ye out easily, Su Jian said.

"It's you again? It's none of your business, brat? Who are you to take care of my family's affairs?" Tian Ye cursed.

"Is your wife going to give birth soon? Take her to the hospital. I'm afraid there will be danger if you go late."

Jiang Qingqing is very likely to have dystocia. The baby in her stomach is too big. If it is born naturally, it will be a test for adults and children. It is best to have a caesarean section.

However, Tian Ye didn't listen to her advice at all, he had to get Tian Mi's salary today, otherwise he would give birth to the child on the road.

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