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Chapter 755 Very Good at Creating Romance

Yu Wei hurried to the gate of the school, and indeed there was a crazy-looking motorcycle parked under the big willow tree.

A group of students surrounded the motorcycle. He didn't find the aftershock, but saw a face that annoyed him.

Zhong Li, a legendary figure who once ruled a high school for three years.

Hehe, the person who sent him the message just now was the famous second-five-eyed person in the class, and he didn't even know Zhongli?How could he be his brother?

"Senior Zhong, who are you here to pick up? I heard that Qiao Yifeng from Class [-] is your cousin. Are you here to pick him up?"

"Senior Zhong, is Washington University good for the exam? Can I go there with my grades?"

"Senior Zhong..."

A group of freshmen and juniors surrounded Zhongli asking questions, in fact, they wanted to get close to the legendary god, especially the female students, whose eyes were full of sparkling little stars.

Zhang Hui, Jin Xiaohui and a group of girls stood outside.

"Wow! He is our senior Zhong!"

"So handsome! When Senior Zhong was in No. [-] High School, it was said that he got full marks in all his homework."

"Isn't that the same as Su Jian?"

Jin Xiaohui glared at the girl who was talking, "Shut up if you can't speak."

The girl was very unconvinced, "What's the matter? Su Jian is better than Zhong Li. She only attended high school for one year before taking the college entrance examination."

Zhang Hui had mixed feelings in his heart. If he was still studying in the teacher's college, there was a high probability that he would never see Zhongli, and he would never have any contact with him in this life.

It's different now. Thanks to He Xin's help, she got her student status into a high school. As long as she works hard, she will be able to stand in front of Zhongli one day.

Seeing He Xin coming out from the corner of her eyes, she hurried over and said coquettishly, "He Xin, where do we study? I don't understand a few math problems, please help me!"

Su Jian, Qiao Yifeng and Yin Quan came out and saw a group of people gathered under the tree from afar.

"Who? It's not another hooligan who came to block our school's beauty?"

Su Jian asked curiously, "Who is the school belle?"

Qiao Yifeng and the two looked at her with a smile, "You!"

When was she named the school belle?I don't even know.

Ever since the aftershock drove Zhang Yiwen and his gang away, and the school attaches great importance to surrounding security, it has been a long time since we saw such a "magnificent scene" at the school gate.

The three of them approached curiously, and when they came to each other, their eyes met, Su Jian jumped up happily.


Emma!The students who were crowded together didn't know how they were pulled aside, and they quickly cleared the obstacles. Su Jian opened her arms and flew into Zhongli's arms like a bird.

All beings are stunned!

The school belle and Xueba hugged each other. This is the sacred and solemn gate of a high school. Teachers and students go in and out. Puppy love is the most troublesome problem for parents and teachers. They even challenged the authority.


The girls headed by Jin Xiaohui were heartbroken. It turned out that Senior Brother Zhong was waiting for Su Jian.

When did they get on?Why is there no wind at all?All the teachers and students in the school are spreading the rumor that Su Jian and Qiao Yifeng are a couple, and the lovers have already found their lovers!

"Why didn't you tell me in advance when you came back?"

The two of them talked on the phone last night, but Zhongli didn't say a word about his coming back.

"I will accompany you to take the college entrance examination."

Immediately, countless fireworks exploded in the bottom of her heart, her senior brother is very good at creating romance, and she will catch and bite anyone who says her senior brother is an unreasonable nerd.

"I said you two, do you really treat us like air?"

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