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Chapter 759 There is no regret medicine in the world

Wang Changgui lowered his head and did not speak.

When Er Lengzi announced to everyone that he and Xu Dazhuang were going to work in Zheng Yi's company with a monthly salary of [-] yuan, everyone was shocked.

The two don't have much culture, but they have strength and the spirit of being able to bear hardships and stand hard work.

According to Su Jian's plan, the company established its own property company. As key personnel, Er Lengzi and Xu Dazhuang were sent to a mature property company in the provincial capital to study, and they could join the management of the property company after returning.

In Erlianzi's own words, his rank is one level higher than that of the village head, because Wang Changgui's salary is only 100 yuan a month, and he is directly twice his salary, which is [-] yuan more. Now he doesn't do any work for other village heads.

"Long Gui, Chang Gui, I told you at the beginning, don't just focus on immediate benefits, Su Jian will definitely have great achievements in the future."

"You probably don't know yet, but she already opened a company in the provincial capital?"


Zhang Hongxia didn't know about this either, so she asked Li Li in surprise, "Who did you hear from?"

"Oh, you guys!" Li Li sighed.

"Today, Xiaojian took the college entrance examination, and I also went to the examination room. Outside the examination room, I met a man. He chatted with others, and he was talking about Xiaojian."

"This person used to open a small shop in front of the school, and was attracted by Su Jian and brought him to the capital for development. Later, Xiao Jian started a company in the provincial capital, so he called him back. He is now the general manager, and he is given 3000 yuan a month. salary, and bonuses at the end of the year.”

Three, three thousand, thirty-six thousand a year, if dividends are added, at least five, six, seven, eighty thousand, right?
"What company?" Zhang Hongxia asked again.

"Decoration company."

Li Li suddenly thought of something, "Hongxia, do you remember that after ten o'clock in the evening, there was an advertisement for a decoration company in Taiwan?"

"Remember, I also said that the girls and boys in it are all good-looking, and the house is also beautifully decorated. When our family gets a new house, we will find this decoration company."

Zhang Hongxia was stunned for a moment, and asked in surprise, "Don't tell me, that decoration company belongs to Su Jian."

"It's hers. The man at the school gate today is the one you said is very handsome."

"My God, did she make a lot of money?"

"of course."

Li Li sighed. Once upon a time, that girl was still working in his shop, earning ten yuan a day.

The current assets are probably hundreds of thousands, right?
Wang Changgui and his wife left their cousin's house in a daze.

Su Mingcheng and Wu Tiejun built a two-story building, which is very beautiful. In Weitang Village, it stands out from the crowd and is very eye-catching. People from several nearby villages came to see their house after hearing about it.

They wanted to go to attend the ceremony, but they couldn't be ashamed. More than 20 tables were set up, and the banquet was one of the best, with many dishes they had never seen before.

Some people blamed them, saying that Su Jian met the big boss outside, and his methods were clever, and it was the big boss who gave her money to build a house.

People say what they say, a group of mobs, others have become a model, and they have become a joke.

In order to save face, he had the cheek to ask his cousin-in-law to borrow money, and was reprimanded. Now he regrets it to death. Why did he lose his composure and take the lead in suspecting that Su Jian was cheating them?

If only there was a medicine for regret in the world?
After the college entrance examination, Su Jian received a call from Zheng Zhi. Su Mingfeng and Wang Chunmei were released on bail a week ago, and now they are missing.

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