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chapter 76

chapter 76
After listening to Qiao Yifeng's words, Zhongli frowned.

"Who is most likely to change her will?"

"Mr. Li? He Xin is not that kind of person."

"...She will be fine." Zhongli said firmly.

After hanging up the phone, he bundled up a stack of books, thought for a while, took out a pen and paper, wrote his new address on it, and mailed it out together with the books.

The person who thought that there would be no more intersections, because the volunteers were tampered with, he suddenly felt very distressed, what an unlucky girl.

Education Bureau, the handwriting was identified, it was not Su Jian's, nor Teacher Li's.

"Look, I said it has nothing to do with me, that thief is really hateful, he must be educated after he is caught." Teacher Li said emotionally.

It is not a voluntary form filled out by the candidates themselves, but the admission work is done according to the rules, and only those who apply for a high school will be given priority for admission.

"Su Jian, you can take the self-funded quota. I heard that the self-funded line for No. 480 High School this year is 3000 points. You only need to pay [-] yuan as a sponsorship fee, and you can study in No. [-] High School." Teacher Li pulled her aside, kindly of planning.

"Thank you for your concern, I will not take the quota at my own expense."

"That's right, you have no money at home, tell your second aunt to help you find a way, the teacher can only help you here, there is another way, you go to a vocational high school, you would rather be a leader than a phoenix tail , You went to the vocational high school and didn't sweep the army? Maybe you can take the college entrance examination in three years."

Su Jian stared at her for a long time, and said, "Mr. Li, I appreciate your kindness."

Whenever Teacher Li has a little teacher-student relationship, a little teacher morality, and a little humanity, she will tell what she sees.

At this moment, she wants to be a bad person, what's wrong?If others can rape her, she must be a virgin?

"I believe that those who change my choice will soon receive God's retribution! Maybe two or three years later, they will lose the ability to work, and the medicine jar will never leave their body."

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

Why is there a creepy feeling?Teacher Li couldn't help but shuddered, and stared at Su Jian's back ruthlessly.

She changed the voluntary form. She asked her husband to write it for fear of being exposed.

She never expected that Su Jian would be a blockbuster, and she would actually be admitted to a high school.

"Hello? Sister Wang, have you heard?" After finding a phone booth, Teacher Li called Wang Chunmei.

"what's up?"

"I got a score in the middle school exam yesterday..."

"I know."

Her daughter Su Mingming did very well in the exam, with a score of 519. This score is more than enough to enter the top class of No. [-] High School. From last night until now, she called her relatives one by one to inform her, and discussed with Su Mingfeng, planning to treat her at a restaurant to celebrate.

"Ms. Li, next Saturday I will set up a table in Fumanlou, and you must come then."

"Hey sister Wang, look at my head, I'm really confused. I forgot that your daughter is also taking the high school entrance examination this year. She did well in the exam, right? She looks beautiful and studies well. It's all because of the education of sister Wang."

At first, Wang Chunmei was very angry that Teacher Li was ignorant and didn't even congratulate her daughter for her good grades. Now she is in a better mood.

"My family is obviously excellent, with a score of 519..."

"Sister Wang!" Teacher Li interrupted her.

"I have big news for you."

Wang Chunmei asked very displeased, "What's the matter?"

"Your niece Su Jian, she got the first place in No. [-] Middle School."

Finally, he said what he was holding back in his heart, and Teacher Li let out a long breath.

She can't just let her suffer alone. It is estimated that Wang Chunmei's expression now is like swallowing a hundred flies. Thinking of this, her expression is even more distorted.

"Su Jian got a 534 in the test, a perfect score in mathematics, No. 6 in the city!"

(End of this chapter)

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