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Chapter 766 Zhang Hui fell into the water

The second fool's wife, Li Cuiping, has no memory at all, even after being beaten eight times a day by her husband, she can't remember Su Jian's family outside.

She said sourly, "Just wait and see, her belly will be enlarged in a few days, will she be ashamed to death? Liu Fang will be strong in her life, and then we will see if she has the face to talk to us."

"Oh, if only my Xiaofang had the ability to find a rich son-in-law and build a two-story house for me to live in."

"Bah! Zhang Sumei, are you ashamed? Still envious of this kind of thing? Aren't you afraid of being drowned with spitting stars?"

"If you drown, you will drown. You have never lived in a high-rise building in your life. Don't you feel bad? Li Cuiping, don't talk about me. If your idiot hears you making up a little Jane behind your back, he won't beat you up."

"He's not at home now, can't hear him."

"By the way, your idiot is working outside, so you are not afraid that he will find a young lady and drive you out?"

"He dares, I can't scratch him to death."

"Tsk tsk, what are you bragging about, I think your skin is getting tight again, you're a beaten-up guy."

Su Jian didn't care what the villagers talked about her behind her back, didn't she say that she lived by men?Yes, that's right, from now on, she will rely on her senior brother, and she will go wherever the senior brother goes.

There was a heavy rain a few days ago, and the upstream reservoir released flood water. Now the water in the river is very deep and the river surface is very wide. In the morning, the water vapor is very strong, and the fog on the river surface is transpiring, like a fairyland.

Some people drive the ducks and geese raised at home to the river, let them eat the fish, shrimp and aquatic plants inside, and the eggs they lay are delicious and nutritious.

There are people washing clothes by the river, some carrying water to irrigate the vegetable fields, and some sitting by the river in a daze. If there is no such thing as talking bad about people behind their backs, what is the difference between the customs here and Xanadu?
"In winter, the river here is frozen?"

"Yes, come here to skate this winter vacation! It's very fun."

At this time, she could see the tenderness of the little daughter on her face, and being infected by her smile, Zhong Li also laughed.


The two were walking along the river when someone suddenly shouted, "Li Cuiping, Li Cuiping, your son fell into the water."

ah?Su Jian turned her head, and the supernatural power spread out, only to see a group of black shadows flopping in the river.

Before she could react, Zhongli plunged into the water, heading straight for the child who fell into the water.

Zhang Hui came to release ducks by the river, and his father went to study in the provincial capital. Before leaving, he asked him to take care of the house.

Both his mother and elder brother are indifferent, one likes to chew their tongues, and the other likes to go to the game hall in the city to play.

He doesn't want to be a useless waste, and he is working hard to grow every day.

The place where he was standing just now was too wet and slippery. He accidentally fell into the river and choked on several mouthfuls of river water. Suddenly, someone supported his body and pushed him to the bank.

"Zhang Hui, are you okay?"

Shocked and dumbfounded, he stared straight at Su Jian, but didn't respond for a long time.

"Do you need to send him to the hospital?" Zhongli asked her.

"No, give him some time."

Seeing that his brother's clothes were soaked, Su Jian asked him to go back and change. At this time, Li Cuiping ran over rolling and crawling.

"Xiaohui, Xiaohui, don't scare your mother, who told you to let the ducks go? Tell you to stay away from the river, are you a fool? Did someone push you into the river?"

Li Cuiping has no culture, his mouth is foul, and he speaks without thinking. Who can push his son into the river?

Seeing Zhongli standing wet on the bank, she asked with a dark face, "You pushed my son?"

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