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Chapter 772 Tutoring Student Competition

Full score?

Chu Qiang's eyes, which were as big as bull's eyes, gave Pan Fudong a hard look.

"Why are you staring at me?"

"Pan Fudong, tell me the phone number of the top student in the college entrance examination."

"How do I know? You can't check it yourself?"

"Hmph! I won't let you succeed."

Chu Qiang regretted it to death. For the sake of worthless face, he missed the best student. He must have been preempted by Washington University!

He rushed to Wu Huaiyuan and grabbed his collar.

"Tell me, what did you just tell him?"

"Ah? Teacher, please, please let go."

Wu Huaiyuan was strangled until he couldn't breathe, Pan Fudong hugged Chu Qiang tightly.

"Old guy, do you want to kill someone?"

"Cough, cough, cough!"

After being rescued, Wu Huaiyuan panted heavily.

"Let go of me, Pan Fudong, have you already contacted the champion?"

"No, no, I've given you this opportunity to perform, so don't be impatient."

Chu Qiang looked at him in disbelief, "Really let us unite? You won't play tricks behind your back, will you?"

"If I'm playing tricks, it's your grandson."

Teacher Wang and others are no longer surprised by the two scholars' indecent remarks.

The top scorer in the college entrance examination turned out to be a perfect score. When they heard the news, they were all inconceivable.

"Su Jian, why have we never heard of this child's name?"

"What contests did she compete in?"

Such an outstanding student must have won a grand slam with all the awards. It is impossible to have no impression at all. It feels like being born out of nowhere!

"Jiang Renjiu, where is Mr. Jiang? Student Su Jian is a student of No. [-] High School in City B. I remember that you teach freshmen this year. How could Student Su Jian be your student?"

Jiang Renjiu had a cheerful smile on his face. He didn't want to talk to these people at all. He just wanted to make a phone call and pass the good news to the long-awaited Principal Ma and Director Guo in the city.

But there is a moment to make a name for the students, and he doesn't want to give up.

"Su Jian is indeed a student of our school, and she is indeed a student of mine. I only taught her for one year, because she took the senior high school entrance examination last year and obtained the qualification to study in a high school. It took only one year to complete all the high school courses. courses, and took the college entrance examination this year."

Nonsense?Or play tricks?Is Teacher Jiang bragging?In order to set off the strength of the students, can they fabricate unnecessary resumes?
"What I said is true. If you don't believe me, you can go to No. [-] High School to inquire."

Someone couldn't help asking, "Mr. Jiang, student Su Jian is so good, why didn't you hear her name in the major competitions?"

Jiang Renjiu sneered, "She doesn't bother to participate in these competitions. In her own words, if she participates, how can other students have a bright future?"

"She doesn't participate in competitions, but she participates in competition selection."

"In December last year, students from our school participated in the mathematics competition and achieved good results, winning the championship for the fourth consecutive year."

"The reason why I can achieve such good results is because of Su Jian's guidance."

"She tutors competition students?" A teacher asked in surprise.

"Yes, Zhongli, a star graduate of our school and now a genius student studying at Washington University, is Su Jian's senior brother. She is the only one who can understand the notes that Zhongli left for a high school student."

"She tutored the competition students, so that those children achieved excellent results. Up to now, the students are grateful for Su Jian's efforts."

I drop mom!
Chu Qiang slapped himself in frustration, walked up to Jiang Renjiu, and held his hand tightly, "This teacher, please give me the contact information of classmate Su Jian!"

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