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Chapter 778

"Principal Yu, why don't you say that I'm your daughter?" Su Jian pushed the door in and said with a smile.

"I have daughters myself. There are too many. I want a daughter-in-law."

Seeing someone else behind her, several teachers stood up.

"Principal Ma, Director Guo, these two are teacher Chu Qiang from Union University, teacher Pan Fudong from Washington University, and this is teacher Wang Shuhai from Provincial Experimental Middle School."

After getting to know each other, everyone sat down, and soon the waiters began to serve the dishes.

"Ms. Chu, Mr. Pan, Mr. Wang, you can do whatever you want, don't be polite." Yu Shibei was extroverted and soon became familiar with the three of them.

"Has Teacher Yu taught Su Jian?" Pan Fudong asked curiously.

"No, I was her principal when she was in elementary school. At that time, she had a big snot on her face every day, and she didn't study well at all."

Su Jian raised his forehead, "Principal Yu, let's just say that we can not expose people's faults? Who hasn't entered the second year of middle school?"

"What is the second grade?"

"Uh, it means the second grade of junior high school."

"Yes, she started to show her talents in the second grade of junior high school, and started to exert herself on the eve of the senior high school entrance examination in the third junior high school. At that time, she often got full marks in mathematics."

"Student Su Jian is a genius!" Wang Shuhai said with emotion.

"No, no, no, she's not a genius. She just spends the time that others spend playing and sleeping on studying."

Yu Shibei asked her, "How many hours do you sleep a day?"


"Look, she has 21 hours to study."

The teachers who knew the details of Su Jian covered their faces. They didn't want to say that Su Jian spent most of her time sleeping in class. She was not 90.00% a genius, but definitely [-]%.

Chu Qiang, Pan Fudong, and Wang Shuhai were all in admiration.

At this time, Su Jian's phone rang, and seeing her take out her mobile phone, the three of them were surprised from ear to ear.

"Sorry, I'm going out to answer the phone."

After she left, Pan Fudong asked Wu Huaiyuan, "Your sister's family is in a good condition?"


"Don't you live in the countryside?"


"Don't be, yeah, tell me clearly, as far as I know, that mobile phone is very expensive, how can she afford it as a student?"

Wu Huaiyuan's eyes widened, "Mr. Pan, does Washington University not allow students to take cellphones?"

"That's not what I mean, I mean, who bought it for her?"


The Su family is so rich?
Seeing that her teachers all had flat expressions, Pan Fudong couldn't sit still.

"What kind of business do Su Jian's parents do?"

Yu Shibei answered first, "I know that. Two days ago, I saw her father riding a tricycle to the market to sell vegetables."


Chu Qiang, Pan Fudong and Wang Shuhai looked at each other.

Do parents sell vegetables to buy her a mobile phone?

Suddenly, I had a bad impression of this school bully.

Seeing that their expressions were changing, Wu Huaiyuan hurriedly said, "Three teachers, Xiao Jian is very good at making money, and this kind of thing is not worth showing off, but the three teachers can't misunderstand her just because she is holding a mobile phone worth over ten thousand. .”

"What do you mean?" Pan Fudong asked.

"It means that Su Jian used the money she earned to not only buy a mobile phone for herself, but also return, return..."

Woohoo, Yu Shibei began to choke up.

Su Jian was going to take them around the capital, and her grandparents would come over tomorrow, and then the group of them formed a sunset red tour group, led by her, for a seven-day tour of the capital.

What a good girl, she said that her success is inseparable from their training, but Yu Shibei asked himself, he really didn't help her.

It was just that she was given two roasted sweet potatoes when she was a primary school student.

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