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Chapter 78

Chapter 78
After get off work in the evening, in order to celebrate his daughter's entrance into a high school, Su Mingfeng specially bought some lo mei and came back to celebrate a little.

As soon as I walked in, I found something was wrong.

In the yard, Mrs. Su gestured to him, and Su Mingfeng walked over, "Mom, what are you doing?"

"Mingfeng, your wife may be crazy."

What is this called?Su Mingfeng stared at his wife.

"Listen to me, I'm really not blind. I scolded Mingming in the morning and didn't come out to eat at noon. It's been a whole day. I'm lying in bed, I don't know what to do."

"Mom, did you offend her?"

The old lady Su rolled her eyes, "I serve you like my third grandson every day, how did I offend her?"

"Mom, look at what you said, how ugly is it? You have lived with my father for more than ten years. How does Chunmei treat you? But she has never kicked you out."

"Okay, okay, I didn't say anything, just to remind you, be careful to call you a bloody sprinkler."

Su Mingfeng is not convinced, his wife is not an unreasonable person.

"Chunmei, what's wrong with you?"

When he entered the room, Wang Chunmei was lying with her back to the door.

"It's okay." Wang Chunmei got up and brushed her hair.

"It's hot, I ate water noodles at night."

Su Mingfeng let out an "ah" and went to tell his wife to cook quickly, and at the same time warned her not to speak ill of his daughter-in-law behind her back.

After much deliberation, Wang Chunmei decided not to speak to anyone.

It was she who tore up Su Jian's volunteer form, and if she was found out, the Education Bureau would definitely not let her go.

The purpose of Teacher Li calling her is too obvious, just to bring trouble to the east. Fortunately, her son is in her class, so she can handle it temporarily, but what if she wants to die?I can't ruin my great future because of a stinky girl.

There will be a long way to go in the future, and she was admitted to a high school because she was lucky, and she doesn't know who will die.

"Mingfeng, after dinner, you call your eldest brother. Xiaojian's high school entrance examination results came out, and she did very well. As the second uncle and aunt, we have to congratulate her."

"Huh? How much did she score?"

"534 points, sixth in the city, more than Mingming, already admitted to a high school."

Su Mingming's face darkened, and she finally understood why her mother was angry with her.

"Mom, I'm full and I'm going to study."

Damn girl, better than yourself in the exam?how is this possible?Based on the teaching level of No. [-] Middle School, can it train the No. [-] students in the city?Who knows who copied it, and she will reveal her secrets when she enters high school. She is capable, and she also copied someone else's college entrance examination!

"Successful?" Old man Su suddenly felt that the meat in his mouth was not tasty.

On the day of the family reunion, he said that Su Jianjian could be admitted to high school, so he knelt down and kowtowed.

Mom slapped her, this unfilial granddaughter deliberately made him unable to step down.

"Find her a husband's house, what school do you study? Aren't you going to marry sooner or later? Waste of money, huh!" Old man Su ran away. Recently, he had to avoid meeting the eldest family.

Su Mingfeng felt very uncomfortable. If others, his niece got good grades, he would be happy too.

He is different, since he was a child, he didn't like that Su Mingcheng was better than him, and he had to snatch everything from him.

"I don't fight, so what is there to congratulate? My daughter is still admitted to the first high school, why don't you see him congratulate Mingming?"

"How do the rural people understand these rules? You can call the third brother and ask, Xiao Huan's grades should have come out, did she get into Xiao Jun's school? They are both our nieces, and a bowl of water must be level."

"It's okay to call Mingsong, my brother is a big bastard, what do you know?"

(End of this chapter)

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