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Chapter 785 The jewelry she designed won an award

Qiao Yifeng in the other room was about to burst out laughing.

"Su Dan, has your father always been this funny?"

Su Dan sniffed and didn't answer him.

He suspected that Su Mingcheng was stimulated, he never knew that his father had the ability to recite mantras, not to mention Su Mingfeng, even if he heard it, he would feel uncomfortable all over his body.

How did your parents survive all these years?
After my sister started studying hard, she gritted her teeth and vowed to let her parents live a good life.

Now this wish has come true, and those who looked down on them before had their faces pressed to the ground and rubbed hard.

But Dad's condition was obviously not right, he wanted to go out to have a look, but was stopped by Zheng Pengfei.

"Old Su, let me see my buddy give you some relief."

Zheng Pengfei went out and poured Su Mingcheng a glass of beer, and brought him a roast chicken.

"Pengfei, I can't eat these. Uncle has a lot of grievances to say."

"Okay, tell me, this guy can hear it anyway, after you finish venting, I'll tie a big rock to him and sink him into the river when it's dark."

Su Mingcheng stared at him blankly.

Zheng Pengfei continued, "It's okay. The old lady misses him so much, she must hope to see him sooner and let him go down to accompany her. Dad, we are doing a good deed."

"Yes, is it?"

"Well, go ahead and call me when you're done, I'll go to the door and move a big rock in."

Su Mingfeng didn't want to stay any longer, and when Zheng Pengfei opened the door, he got up and rushed into the heavy rain.

This was bad, Su Mingcheng still had something to say, so he shouted from behind, "Second brother, if you see Mom, just tell her, I burned paper for her on New Year's Day, Xiao Jian is filial , Burned a lot of gold ingots for my mother, ask her if she received it? Don't let someone claim it."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Qiao Yifeng was rolling with laughter, and now Su Dan also laughed out loud, his father wasn't sick, he just wanted to annoy Su Mingfeng.


Principal Ma, Director Guo, Yu Shibei, Jiang Renjiu, Teacher Zhu, Sun Qiang, and Su Jian's grandparents, Liu Fang, visited all the scenic spots in the capital.

"Little Jane, tomorrow we want to visit Washington University and Union University. If you have something to do, go and do it. We can find these places by ourselves."

When going out with them, Su Jian's phone calls never stopped. She needed to make up her mind on many things. Seeing her tired, the teacher felt very sorry.

"Okay, I will accompany you tomorrow, teacher, don't be reluctant to spend the travel fund I gave you."

"Got it, got it, go get busy and leave us alone."

When she left, Principal Ma and the others looked at me and I looked at you, and smiled helplessly.

"The child's heart is good, but we can't spend his money casually."

Yu Shibei had an extra piece of jade in his hand. He took a flashlight and looked left and right, but no matter how he looked at it, he couldn't tell it was worth a lot of money.

Yesterday, Su Jian took them to the antique market, and when they came back, each of them had a stone. Su Jian told them that the value was more than ten thousand yuan. If they wanted to make jewelry, she could ask someone for help.

"You go to university, I will go to the antique market tomorrow and grind this stone into a bracelet."

Su Jian would not lie to them, he just wanted to know how much this thing was worth.

Jiang Renjiu said to go with him.

His little grandson will be full moon next month and wants to make a jade plaque as a gift for the child.

The next day, the two took a taxi to Courtyard No. [-] and found Xia Weidong who had shown them around yesterday.

"Okay, I'll arrange a master for you now."

Unable to restrain his curiosity, Xia Weidong asked, "Why don't you let Miss Su Jian design? The jewelry she designed won an award abroad!"

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