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Chapter 806

Leaving from Fang Yong's side, Zhongli and Su Jian talked for a while, because both of them had something to deal with, so they bid farewell in a hurry.

She returned to the ward and found that the atmosphere was very wrong.

"Little Jane, your Auntie Ban insists on going home, even if she is sick, she won't be cured."

Su Jian looked at Ban Xiaoling whose back was facing the two of them, she said to Liu Sheng, "Uncle, you go out first, I'll talk to Auntie Xiaoling."

Liu Sheng went outside, Su Jian pulled a stool and sat beside the bed.

"Aunt Ben, tell me the truth, have you done anything since May?"

Ban Xiaoling was very afraid of Su Jian, because Liu Sheng told her that her niece was very powerful, she built a beautiful two-story building for her family in a year, and she also had a big company that made money.

Such a capable person was willing to spend money to treat her illness, and Ban Xiaoling was always uneasy. She was afraid that she would not be able to repay the kindness of Su Jian and Liu Sheng until she died, so she wanted to refuse to be hospitalized.

"Aunt Xiaoling, did my uncle tell you about his past?"

She nodded.

"My uncle is 42 years old this year. You are the first woman he likes. He values ​​friendship. He will treat you even if he sells everything."

"I want to know what happened to you? In May you were not as sick as you are now. You can still live for 20 years after hysterectomy."

"But it's really impossible to save now, the cancer cells have already metastasized to the abdominal cavity."

Ban Xiaoling wept softly, seeing this, Su Jian handed her her handkerchief.

"Don't cry, talk about your business, if I can help, I will definitely help you, such as arranging your daughter's affairs."

Ban Xiaoling kept crying. To be honest, Su Jian didn't like her character very much, but how cowardly and helpless was she like her mother in the previous life?
After her father was sick and left in her previous life, Liu Fang was unhappy, and soon she was also sick. The family was poor, and Su Dan still had to study, and her mother planted land in the village alone for him to study.

In order to save money, I don’t go to the hospital when I’m sick, and I take a lot of painkillers. In the end, I have kidney, liver and stomach problems, and it’s too late to treat them.

"Don't cry, my uncle will be even sadder when he sees you like this."

In her opinion, Liu Sheng had a spiritual love affair, and they didn't even know where Ban Xiaoling lived, let alone holding hands, going to the park, pressing the road, things that couples can do, they have never done.

"Miss Su Jian, I'm sorry for your uncle, everything now is my retribution."

"What secret do you have in your heart, should you confess it to my uncle by this time?"

"He's very kind. He doesn't have a good life, and he loves people who are more miserable than himself. You can't take advantage of his kindness!"

"Yes, yes, you are right. I really shouldn't, shouldn't provoke your uncle. He is really a good man. I don't deserve him."

Ban Xiaoling was crying so hard that there were other people in the ward who looked at them in surprise.

"Don't cry, talk slowly if you have something to say."

Finally controlling her emotions, Ban Xiaoling sighed, "I deserve what I deserve, and I am relieved to die!"

"Miss Su Jian, I lied to your uncle. If you call me cheap, shameless, whatever you call me, I won't justify myself."

Su Jian asked with a sullen face, "You and your husband haven't divorced at all?"

Ban Xiaoling looked up at her in surprise, "You, how do you know?"


"He's in the capital, you work two jobs a day to support your family, don't you?"

Ban Xiaoling was completely stunned, "There is nothing you can hide from you, right? Miss Su Jian, you are right."

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