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Chapter 81 Old 2 is too bullying

Chapter 81 The Second Child Is Too Bullying

"My dad is not from the Materials Bureau, how can he take the blame for my second uncle?"

"It's all your second uncle's fault, saying that the Material Bureau has a non-staff contract and asked your father to help settle the accounts."

"Your father agreed in a muddleheaded way, and stayed up for three nights to help him do it. In the end, Second Uncle Ni didn't even say thank you, and insisted that your father made a mistake, which caused him to be scolded by the leader."

"The second time, the second time is the day you got lost..."

Speaking of what happened when she was eight years old, Liu Fang still has difficulty expressing her feelings.

"Little Jane, I still hate your second uncle. Is he human? How can an eight-year-old child go home by himself?"

Speaking of this, Liu Fang's tears fell down, and the more she thought about it, the more angry she became.

"As long as you have a little bit of humanity, you will not do such a treacherous thing. You two also remember that no matter what happens in the future, you must protect yourself first. Everything else is secondary. Remember?"

The siblings nodded vigorously, and Su Jian threw herself into her mother's arms and hugged her tightly.

"Mom, I will never do anything to worry you and Dad again. Our family must be healthy and tidy. It doesn't matter if we live poorly, we don't need any of us."

"Sister, I have grown up. I will protect you and my sister in the future. I will never let my sister face fear alone."

Su Dan cried with snot and tears. Su Jian was six years old when the accident happened. At first, he didn't know what happened. Later, the children in the village scolded him, only then did he realize that he almost lost his dear sister.

The family hugged each other and cried, and the brother Angkor next door put on his shoes and went to the ground.

"What are you doing? You are not allowed to go anywhere. After a while when your son comes back, you still want to run to the next door?" Gao Meilan said in a strange way.

Enough crying, let's return to the matter of Su Mingfeng cheating his brother.

"He is wicked and smokey. That afternoon, he came to trick your father into paying for him. At that time, I asked him why you didn't come back with him. He said that you stayed in the city for two days. At that time..."

Liu Fang's heart was broken, she really couldn't continue talking, that afternoon was always her nightmare, why did she trust the words of the bastard second uncle?As a result, her precious daughter suffered a lot of grievances outside and almost lost her life.

What Su Mingfeng asked his brother to make a false account was to steal a sum of money. Later, the Material Bureau sent someone to talk to him, and Su Mingcheng knew that he had been tricked by his brother.

"Second uncle was not investigated?"

"Your second aunt's family entrusted the relationship to go through the back door and returned the money. It's nothing. It hasn't been done until now!"

Hehe, is this the so-called brotherhood?
Su Jian's eyes sank, "Dad, after that time, have you still done accounts for the second uncle?"

Su Mingcheng waved his hands in fright, "No, absolutely not, I'm not a fool, he treated you like that, why should I give him my life?"

Later, Su Jian was bewitched by Wang Chunmei, and gradually warmed up to them. Su Mingcheng and his wife had no choice but to carefully protect her from behind.

Su Jian really wanted to slap herself in the face of what happened in her previous life, because she was so stupid that she couldn't tell the good from the bad, and she deserved to end up miserable.

"Little Jane, my mother wants to speak out today. I used to take your emotions into consideration. You were close to your second aunt. I never said bad things about her in your ears, but from today on, you should stay away from their family... ..."

"Mom, I've thought about it a long time ago. Do you still remember that on my birthday, you asked me and Xiao Dan to deliver corn to them?"

"The two of us didn't give it away, but took it to the market and sold it. The second aunt didn't really care about me. She sent me to work in the factory because of her niece Wang Nana. I won't be stupid in the future."

"Dad, Mom, do you still have the paperwork written by the second uncle?"

(End of this chapter)

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