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Chapter 836 With her here, peace of mind

Chapter 836 With her here, peace of mind
"Second injury?"

Fang Yong rolled his eyes, and the emergency doctor choked on half a word in his throat, unable to go up or down.

"Where's Su Jian? Go find Su Jian and send her to the emergency room."

The entire emergency department was in chaos, the cries of children, the panic of adults, the busyness of doctors and nurses, just like a clock that was wound up, running forward non-stop.

There was obviously not enough manpower. All the passages gave the green light for the accident. Even the doctor who was resting at home was called to the hospital by a phone call. No one responded to Fang Yong's appeal.

"Lu Zhiwei, I told you to find Su Jian, what are you doing?"

Fang Yong was stuffed into Fang Yong's arms with a child whose pupils began to dilate, and the white coat was covered with blood. The child's mother seemed to be crazy, and snatched the limp child back.

The nurse was sweating profusely, "Mum, please let go, the doctor is going to give the child first aid."

Lu Zhiwei was rescuing a patient who vomited blood. He turned around and saw Li Bin, a trainee doctor beside him.

"Go to the eleventh floor and call Su Jian. Her mobile phone is charging on the tenth floor. There is no phone in the office. Hurry up."

Li Bin looked at him blankly.

"Hurry up!" Lu Zhiwei scolded impatiently.

Suddenly there was a lot of resistance. Li Bin looked at his busy colleagues coldly. Even his classmates who were not as professional as him were rescuing the wounded. But he was sent to find a 17-year-old female high school student.

hehe!What are you calling her for?

To soothe a crying child?Or to comfort hysterical parents?

After hesitating for a moment, he finally went to take the elevator.

Oh, there are a lot of people in the elevator, and each floor stays for a long time. He stood quietly in the corner, watching the numbers showing the floors change bit by bit, neither in a hurry nor in a hurry.

Tired of reading, Su Jian rubbed her eyes and stretched herself, the ability was released.


She stood up in panic, and now the scope of the power spread is very wide, even on the eleventh floor, she can easily see the scene on the first floor.

Thermal imaging showed that the emergency room on the first floor was crowded with people.

The place with the most traffic every day is the outpatient clinic. The emergency department is only lively at night, but it is not as red and yellow as it is now.

Grabbing the white coat on the table, she took three steps at a time and rushed to the elevator, only to find that the elevator had been stopped on the sixth floor. Su Jian pushed aside the stairwell and ran downstairs quickly.

"Su Jian? You came so fast, come here quickly?"

Fang Yong was covered in blood, looking at him suddenly, it was really scary.

"Teacher Fang, the bleeding point is here."

The poor minibus driver's head was swollen to the size of a basketball. If he didn't find the bleeding point, even if the god Da Luo came, he would not be able to save his life.

"Hurry up and prepare the operating room."

Fang Yong immediately understood, took out a pen and drew a circle on the patient's head.

It's strange, the irritability just now disappeared suddenly, Fang Yong realized that it was his female disciple who gave him peace of mind.

With her here, the driver's life can be snatched back from the hand of death.

Su Jian did not follow into the operating room because there were more important patients who needed her help.

There is not enough manpower. During the summer vacation, the students who stayed at the University of Washington School of Medicine also came to help after hearing the news. Lu Zhibin and Jiang Chen also wanted to intervene, but they didn't know what to do. They only studied for one year, and their medical knowledge was all theoretical. As a last resort, I had no choice but to comfort the emotional parents.

"Big Brother, Second Brother, come here quickly."

who?Who is calling them?Still kindly call "brother"?
Following the prestige, the two were surprised to find that it turned out to be the youngest's girlfriend, a 17-year-old junior sister, who was doing CPR for a child.

(End of this chapter)

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