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Chapter 842

Chapter 842
With Lu Jianliang here, all the children who needed hospital beds were hospitalized soon, and the emergency department returned to normal.

Five people in the car accident required surgery, the most serious being the minibus driver. The family members knelt at the door of the operating room, praying for God to be merciful, so that the mainstay of the family could complete the operation smoothly.

The traffic accident was caused by the flat tire of the van driving on the opposite side. This kind of thing happened on the viaduct, which is definitely no less than a powerful explosion. To minimize the casualties, it depends on the doctor's level.

The Guoxie brings together the best doctors and the most advanced medical equipment in the country, but how can surgery be foolproof?

The family members knew in their hearts that it was a medical miracle that the patient could be saved, but there was a [-]% hope, and they wanted to save the patient, right?
"How long has the operation been going on? Who is the chief surgeon?"

Someone replied, "Old Lu, it's Professor Fang Yongfang, he's been in for an hour, 10 minutes."

Lu Jianliang is an expert in neurology. He has participated in surgical operations and knows how powerful these surgical masters are.

He helped the family members up, "Don't worry, with Fang Yong here, your life will be saved."

He had read the medical records and found that the injury was too serious. Even if he saved his life, the follow-up costs would be a bottomless pit. The patient would not be able to wake up from the operation, and it would be like this for the rest of his life.

For some truths, the bloody pain of telling them is completely torture to the living.

With the ability released, Su Jian could clearly see the situation in the operating room.

The stability of the patient's blood pressure is very important, and the blurred numbers can be seen in the thermal imaging, all of which are within the standard range.

There will be no sequelae, and it won't be long before all the doctors involved in the operation realize what an earth-shattering event they have done that day.

The driver was on the verge of death when he arrived, and all serious illnesses were concentrated on him. Without super-high medical skills, it is impossible to save his life.

In this medical miracle, Su Jian played a vital role. Without her pointing out the crux of the problem, relying on current medical methods and inspection equipment, it would be impossible to save his life.

When things are done, go away and hide your merits and fame!
Only Fang Yong knows Su Jian's credit. So far, he has not been able to expose the student's awesomeness, because it will cause her a lot of unnecessary troubles.

If a person lives for the rest of his life just for the pursuit of fame and fortune, count him as a fool and accept such a student.But Su Jian doesn't value these things, she only likes "Mane", hehe!

The operation took less time than expected, but the lights in the operating room went out, and everyone's heart skipped a beat. The family members were even more excited and passed out.

Fang Yong walked out first.

"The operation was a success. We created a medical miracle and brought the man back from hell."

Prolonged applause erupted in the corridor. Fang Yong was looking for the students in the crowd. Su Jian secretly compared him with "yeah" and left with a grimace.

The good news reached the ward.

"That's great. The driver almost lost his precious life in order to protect our child. He is our child's reborn parent!"

"Yes, yes, we want to thank the driver. I heard that his family is in trouble. I think it's good. We each pay some money, no matter how much, it's out of our hearts. Let the hospital be handed over to the driver. We can't let the hero Blood and tears."

"That's right, even if I take away all my property, I am willing, because my child only has one life, and the master traded his life for it."

"If you don't die, you will have good luck!"

(End of this chapter)

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