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Chapter 85 It's Brothers Running Forward Together

Chapter 85 It's Brothers Running Forward Together
Isn't that great?From the end of the class crane to the 23rd, the progress is more than 20. These days, there is no day and night to study, and the hard work pays off. Why are you not happy?

"Three people in my class handed in blank papers, and two gave up the exam." Su Dan gritted his teeth and said.

In this way, only 40 people participated in the final exam, and he only advanced 17 places.

" can't say that, even if all five of them take the exam, maybe they all rank behind you." Liu Sheng racked his brains to find a reason to comfort him.

"Uncle, you don't know, one of the two people who gave up the exam is the top five in the class."

He was so pissed off, and when others were congratulating him on his great progress, he was so angry that his heart ached.

It was Zheng Pengfei's fault to stop the top student who gave up the exam after school. Only after he coerced and lured him.

No wonder Xue Hao didn't dare to look at him at the school gate after the exam that day.

It turned out that these five people were all bought by Zheng Pengfei. As long as they did not take the exam, they would be rewarded with 50 yuan.

"I want to break up with him!" Su Dan gritted his teeth and let out a harsh word.

"How did he do in the exam?" Su Jian asked.

"Still the first place."

Zheng Pengfei didn't like studying, and he felt sleepy when he read a book. The tutor that Lao Zheng hired for him ran away in anger within two days.

In order to work part-time with Su Dan during the summer vacation, the way he came up with was to move up five places?He only needed to go from 45th to 40th, so he bribed five people in the class to let them quit the exam.

"Brother, otherwise you wouldn't be able to work in a restaurant. You are considered a child worker if you haven't turned fourteen."

"Uncle is hospitalized, you stay and take care of him. As for Zheng Pengfei, I guess you will reconcile in two days. You are both good friends. What you have to do is to find a way to pull him to run forward together instead of complaining that he is dragging you hind legs."

Su Dan reflected that he was indeed a little selfish. After he scolded Zheng Pengfei, the lost eyes of the fat man were pitiful enough.

In the afternoon she goes to work in the hotel.

At Su Mingfeng's house, Wang Chunmei was talking on the phone while holding the microphone.

"Xiaojun told me that the food made by the third aunt is delicious, and he likes it very much."

Su Jun didn't come back from the summer vacation. He wanted to study in the provincial capital, but he had no place to live. At the last meeting, Su Mingsong told her his home phone number, and Wang Chunmei let her son live in the third uncle's house.

In the past, she always called Ding Xiaoxue's work unit, and every time the nurse looked at her with weird eyes, Ding Xiaoxue didn't like it very much.

Now she doesn't like it either, it's very annoying, she didn't expect Wang Chunmei to wink at all.

"As long as he wants to eat, I'm not very good at cooking, so Su Huan doesn't like to eat my cooking." Ding Xiaoxue said indifferently.

"Second sister-in-law, if I have nothing else to do, I will hang up first. There will be an assessment tomorrow, and I have to prepare."

"Oh, I'm sorry, we talked for more than an hour before we knew it, go get busy, we'll talk another day."

"Crack!" She hung up the phone and rubbed her sore wrist.

"I'm exhausted."

Afraid of spending money on the phone, she would call first every time. After 3 minutes, she pretended to have something to do, and hurriedly said, "My brother and sister, call me, I have something to tell you."

"It's good to have money. When we have money, we will live in a big house."

Su Mingfeng, who was leaning against the bed and reading martial arts novels, said, "Our house isn't big enough?"

"Tch! Are you satisfied with eighty flats? Didn't you see your younger brother's house? It's in the busiest part of the provincial capital. It's a single-family house. Just the sycamore tree at the door is old. It's high-level knowledge at first glance. The place where molecules live is not like ours? Look at the neighbors around..."

Speaking of this, she suddenly remembered something.

(End of this chapter)

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