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Chapter 88 Thank you in person

Chapter 88 Thank you in person
The fifth child, surnamed Lin, lives in the north of the village, and is the fifth child at home.

Seeing a pool of blood on the ground, Wang Changgui's legs felt weak and he almost fell over.

"What, what's the matter? Fa, what happened?"

The temper of the fifth child is comparable to that of the second idiot. The two of them are famous for their strange tempers in the village. They like to be violent when fighting with others. Many people are afraid of them.

"Who did you fight with?" After being beaten until he vomited blood, could there be a village tyrant more terrifying than Lin Laowu in the village?

"Village chief, who dares to fight with him? But if you can't guarantee it, he was fighting outside. He vomited a big mouthful of blood within 5 minutes after he came in, and then fell to the ground."

Don't say anything, and rush to the hospital.

Su Jian and her mother finished making dumplings, cooked them and sent them to the hospital. Su Mingcheng offered to stay in the hospital to take care of his uncle. When the two came in, they found that they were chatting with the patients in the same ward in full swing.

Su Mingcheng could occasionally say a few words of cold humor, which made the whole ward laugh constantly. Liu Fang said in her daughter's ear, "Your father is playing tricks again."

Su Jian was very relieved. Her father had flaws in his personality, but he was not so weak that everyone could bully him. He might be too eager for his parents' attention, so he was only afraid in front of the elders of the Su family.

"Daddy is still cute."

"Dad, uncle, come and eat. My mother made dumplings stuffed with pork and green onions."

Liu Fang is a good woman with a kind heart, and specially brought a copy for the other three people in the ward.

"Well, it's delicious, sister, I haven't eaten such delicious dumplings for a long time."

Liu Fang's eyes were red, and her natal family's conditions were not much better than hers. All the money she earned these years was used to subsidize her family, and her parents rarely ate delicious dumplings with a whole big meatball.

"Mom!" Su Jian hugged her hard.

"Our family will get better and better."

At around seven o'clock, Liu Fang went home with her two children. At the gate of the hospital, she met someone from the same village.

"Ah, sister-in-law, are you going back?" Wang Changgui hurried over to ask when he saw Su Jian.

"How is brother Mingcheng? What's wrong? Is it serious?"

"Oh, it's okay, Changgui, you, why are you here?" Could it be that you came to confirm that Su Mingcheng was really sick?

Wang Changgui looked at Su Jian eagerly, "Xiao Jian, you are right, the fifth child is really sick, and I sent him here for first aid."

fifth?Su Jian looked at him suspiciously.

"It's the one who eats gunpowder in the village!"

Oh, that uncle "yellow teeth" with bloodshot stomach walls.

"Is he serious?"

"I'm vomiting blood, can it be serious? Push it into the emergency room, and haven't come out until now."

The woman behind him was Lin Laowu's wife and child, who were crying and had no idea, and kept asking Wang Changgui what to do.

"Oh, fifth sister-in-law, don't cry any more. Fifth brother had a better attitude yesterday. Maybe Xiao Jian can give him a pulse and find out what's wrong earlier, so I won't run to the village to vomit a big mouthful of blood."

Ok?Su Jian had a look of horror.

"Uncle Changgui, I don't know how to see a doctor. I just smell that uncle's breath is not very good. I suspect that the food in his stomach is indigestible and his stomach function is not complete."

"Yes, yes, Xiao Jian, don't be modest. I've heard Brother Mingcheng say that you read medical books all day long. I don't care what others say. I think you will be a great child in the future."

"If you can't treat illnesses and save people now, it doesn't mean you won't be able to in the future. You have saved another person. When the fifth child is rescued later, I will send him to your house to thank him face to face."

(End of this chapter)

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