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Chapter 9 Selling Grain

Chapter 9 Selling Grain

The tricycle stopped, but the driver said that there was a big cart blocking the road ahead, and they had already reached the village anyway, so they got off and walked a few steps.

"Take two steps? You said it's easy. My old lady has bad legs. Is it a matter of taking two steps?"

"Auntie, stop arguing, can I charge you a dollar less?"

When she scolded her son and daughter-in-law in the car, the driver could hear her clearly, and saw that she was a messy person and didn't want to waste time on her.

A total of [-] yuan for the fare, the old woman threw him [-] yuan and [-] cents, saying that she was unwilling to pay more.

"Okay, okay, I'm unlucky, you can save the rest of the money to buy medicine." After speaking, he drove away.

It took a long time for Mrs. Su to wake up, "Is he scolding me?"

There was a cloth bag on his arm, and there were some old man Su's tobacco leaves in it. He lived at the second son's house in the city for four months, and when he returned to the elder son's house, he didn't even buy a sugar cake for his grandchildren.

You must know that every time they leave the eldest son's house, Su Mingcheng and his wife bring things that can fill the entire tricycle.

The old couple are notoriously eccentric, and they dislike the eldest family for not being able to talk or make money. In short, no matter how well they do, they can pick out bones from eggs.

No, just two steps away, Mrs. Su began to complain about leg pain.

"Mom, I was supposed to carry you on my back, but last night I slipped away, or else you can rest here, and I'll call elder brother over."

"You're right, go quickly, I'll cool off under the tree first."

Su Mingfeng came to the eldest brother's house quickly, and found that General Tie was guarding the door, and asked the neighbors that he was working in the field.

After a while he came back again.

"Mom, Dad, I still have something to do at work. I have to go back. My eldest brother and sister-in-law are all working in the field. Otherwise, you two should sit down first. I told my neighbors, and my eldest brother will pick you up as soon as he comes back."

"What? The boss told us to shut the door?"

Su Mingfeng shrugged, "I don't know, brother was not like this before."

"It's all Liu Fang, that little vixen, blowing pillow wind in your elder brother's ear all day long."

"Mom, please don't say a few words, sister-in-law is not educated, can she compare with Chunmei? I'm leaving, if I don't leave, it will be too late."

Su Mingfeng was only responsible for sending the old couple back to the village, throwing off their burdens, and ran away immediately regardless of their dry mouth.

In the field, the villagers helped Su Mingcheng break a thousand cobs of corn, which were piled up on the ground like a hill.

"Boss Yang, you charge so much, can you sell it out?"

The weather is hot, and fresh corn is the same as other vegetables that need to be kept fresh. When the temperature rises and the water is lost, the corn kernels will become old and affect the taste.

"It's okay, I have stalls in several markets, Brother Su, let's hurry up, it must be delivered to each stall before ten o'clock."

Su Mingcheng had the cheek to ask the neighbors to help pack the bags again, and a group of people cheered, carrying the sacks on their shoulders, and transported them to the truck at the entrance of the village.

"Your village only needs a spacious asphalt road. If you want to get rich, build the road first. If my car can drive in, it won't take so much effort."

Old man Su squinted his eyes and saw that his eldest son was walking among a group of people, talking and laughing with a boss-like man, and he couldn't help frowning.

"Da Chengzi?"

Uh?How did you hear your father calling yourself?
Su Mingcheng followed the prestige and saw his parents sitting under the big tree, dropped the sack and ran over.

"Father, mother, why are you back?"

Old Man Su pointed to the sack and asked, "What's in the sack?"

"Father, wait for me for a while. Boss Yang is waiting to go back. I will help him load the goods and then take you home."

(End of this chapter)

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